11-26-2011, 10:24 PM
(11-24-2011, 06:59 AM)Namaste Wrote: All traditions have implicit limitations as they (predominantly) follow the path and experience of one person only. One way in an infinite number of ways. Many people are psychic yet have what many would consider detrimental (to both emotional and physical health) lifestyles.
Are you sure you were not lucid dreaming? I've been reading on this subject as of late and with rather apt timing the chapter last night was about the realism of the dream state. That includes touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. The chapter concluded that lucid dreaming (for those versed in the endeavour, i.e. much experience and full recollection of the experience(s)) is as real to the senses as the waking state of consciousness.
As dreams fade quickly, so do the associated sensory input sensations, and the memory is limited to faint concepts rather than full perception/experience. While lucid/aware during the dream, sensations are as full as they are 'here'.
There is a possibility that you had a lucid dream and can fully recall the experience.
Thanks for the reply.
I often utilize lucid dreaming to explore what areas of my unconscious I need to work on. There was no sign or indication I was in a lucid dream like state. I have never gone into a meditation, as I did with this experience. It was truly unique in the way it felt, but very 'real'.
Lucid dreams for me tend to feel 'real' but I have the understanding that I am dreaming. It is a tacit understanding. With this experience, I did not have that 'gut' feeling that I was dreaming, rather that I was experiencing waking life, and for some reason knew I could move things with my mind naturally.
This experience for me is still mysterious but I think it serves it's purpose that way, as I've only learned a lot about myself by meditating on this.
Anyone else have similar experiences with catalyst recently? Everyday for me seems incredibly...new, or I feel as if there is something coming. Perhaps this is unconscious bias manifesting. Not sure, but it is my guess.
Be in peace