10-27-2009, 10:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-27-2009, 11:04 AM by Questioner.)
Quote:The most useful to me is the revelation that what we usually call disease is in fact the healing phase of a biologically usefull reaction of the body. This insight takes away fear by changing the status of pain and discomfort from signs of decay into signs of hope.
I completely agree. To me, that insight is valuable whether or not the ring observation is accurate.
Quote:You mean the First Law? It is more like a complete law library.Sorry, I didn't invent it.
I know you didn't. I will now take a serious look at what I can jokingly call Dr. Hamer's second law library.
By the way, lurking readers, feel free to jump into the conversation. I don't mind if it's just Bik and me, but it doesn't have to just be us here.
The Second Biological Law
Key points, my summary and paraphrase:
When there is a shocking disturbance, the entire organism is involved in the attempt to resolve this conflict. This "conflict-active phase" overrides normal biological rhythms and processes.
The nature of the perception of the conflict determines the nature of the response. The biological response takes the perception as literal truth, and tries to change the body in response. This means that if the perception is that the body was not enough, the response will involve building new tissue, if the perception was that the body was too much, the response will involve tearing down existing tissue. If the perception is that it's hopeless to escape or defend against an attack, some type of paralysis will occur.
As the conflict-active phase ends, a healing phase begins. This healing phase does not yet have the person "out of the woods." There is overall relief but some serious symptoms can still occur.
At the peak of the healing phase, a crisis occurs to flush out any swelling that occurred so far.
The healing phase continues with the body restoring what was put out of balance in the earlier process.
If there is an additional shock during the healing process, everything falls back to step one with a more rapid replay of the previous response.
Now for my comments.
This much makes sense from two well known points of view. One point of view is that the unconscious governs the body's health, and takes everything literally. According to GNM, this is not just a figure of speech but physically involves the brain and body structures that correspond to the interpretation of the shocking incident. The other well known point of view is that the body always strives for balance with homeostasis.
I don't know if the Law of One material specifically addresses these popular themes. I suspect that if it did, it might be in the discussion of color rays which unfortunately I haven't studied very well yet.
While all of this makes sense in general terms, there are many specific details in the GNM explanation of this whole process. Those details have huge implications for understanding, diagnosis and appropriate treatment of disease. Many of those implications contradict standard Western medicine so they are controversial.
I think we should agree or disagree about the generalities of Law 2 before we dive into the specifics.