Let me expand even further. How often do characters representing bums get depicted as real human beings?
How often are senior citizens without some kind of mental handicap?
How often is the goal of the main character not fame, money and material wealth?
I am not saying every movie is like this. But if you read between the lines you will eventually become sick with all the conditioning.
And look at video games. How can games depicting a warzone give points for putting a bullet in another being? How far has it gone when rock music is played when you've killed a certain number of people?
Everyone knows it's not real, but for people conditioned towards patriotism and dreams of being a "war hero", they are likely to be influenced and get a distorted view of what a soldier really is.
The soldier is the lowest rank of a war. A soldier is an expendable pile of meat and metal. Yet in these games they are immortal, rewarded new ranks, given "better weapons" and considered heroes.
Most people think I'm insane for having these ideas, but I know more than well that there is a lot to it.
Take it or leave it
EDIT: Now, the proof of this lies only in the heart. I am not aware of an existing paradigm able to handle these kinds of problems.
How often are senior citizens without some kind of mental handicap?
How often is the goal of the main character not fame, money and material wealth?
I am not saying every movie is like this. But if you read between the lines you will eventually become sick with all the conditioning.
And look at video games. How can games depicting a warzone give points for putting a bullet in another being? How far has it gone when rock music is played when you've killed a certain number of people?
Everyone knows it's not real, but for people conditioned towards patriotism and dreams of being a "war hero", they are likely to be influenced and get a distorted view of what a soldier really is.
The soldier is the lowest rank of a war. A soldier is an expendable pile of meat and metal. Yet in these games they are immortal, rewarded new ranks, given "better weapons" and considered heroes.
Most people think I'm insane for having these ideas, but I know more than well that there is a lot to it.
Take it or leave it
EDIT: Now, the proof of this lies only in the heart. I am not aware of an existing paradigm able to handle these kinds of problems.