10-23-2009, 12:06 PM
Hello Monica! Thank you for joining the fray 
I'm glad you brought this up, because it reminded me of something else that I'm puzzled over. It deals with Hitler, who I think most average people would agree is the ultimate symbol of evil in our last century for sure, if not a longer period of time.
Of course, we know from Ra (and a few other channeled sources) that Hitler was not actually evil-incarnate, but was a highly confused and possibly insane individual, who was only acting out of his own highest truth (providing the earth with a supreme race of humans). Ra says:
So here's my confusion. If you are greatly confused, emotionally traumatized, had a cruel childhood or otherwise not consciously seeking the STS path, it seems that once you enter the spirit world / time/space / inner planes, you undergo healing. This idea is in harmony with Michael Newton also. The thing is- the above conditions are probably true for a great majority of criminals, deviants or otherwise "evil do-ers" in our society today. But when these people die, they do not go off to their special STS spirit guides to review their works of evil, but are instead cleansed of their negative energy (healing). So how does one build any polarity to become STS harvestable? Does it all have to be done in one single lifetime?
Conversely, are people who for whatever reasons perform STO actions go through a similar cleansing process to purify themselves of positive energies before reincarnating again? No, we would probably guess this is not the case. But why not, if it happens in the other camp?
Crunchy, nutritious food for thought.

(10-22-2009, 11:03 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I would surmise that this is indeed what happens to the majority of souls that might seem STS to us on the surface. For example, some of the most violent criminals probably aren't necessarily pursuing the STS path, but just never got shown any love as children, maybe grew up in abusive households, and basically are just emotionally messed up. These souls are rehabilitatable, given enough time and love. They will likely repeat 3D until they learn to quit being violent. Look at the most infamous 'evil' person the world has ever known - Hitler - and he didn't even graduate to 4D negative! Not because he wasn't evil enough, but because he was so confused and his motivation was misguided.
I'm glad you brought this up, because it reminded me of something else that I'm puzzled over. It deals with Hitler, who I think most average people would agree is the ultimate symbol of evil in our last century for sure, if not a longer period of time.
Of course, we know from Ra (and a few other channeled sources) that Hitler was not actually evil-incarnate, but was a highly confused and possibly insane individual, who was only acting out of his own highest truth (providing the earth with a supreme race of humans). Ra says:
Quote:Questioner: Can you tell us what happened to Adolf (Hitler)?More:
Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex known as Adolf is at this time in an healing process in the middle astral planes of your spherical force field. This entity was greatly confused and, although aware of the circumstance of change in vibratory level associated with the cessation of the chemical body complex, nevertheless, needed a great deal of care.
Quote:Here we see an example of one who, in attempting activation of the highest rays of energy while lacking the green ray key, canceled itself out as far as polarization either towards positive or negative. This entity was basically negative. However, its confusion was such that the personality disintegrated, thus leaving the mind/body/spirit complex unharvestable and much in need of healing.
So here's my confusion. If you are greatly confused, emotionally traumatized, had a cruel childhood or otherwise not consciously seeking the STS path, it seems that once you enter the spirit world / time/space / inner planes, you undergo healing. This idea is in harmony with Michael Newton also. The thing is- the above conditions are probably true for a great majority of criminals, deviants or otherwise "evil do-ers" in our society today. But when these people die, they do not go off to their special STS spirit guides to review their works of evil, but are instead cleansed of their negative energy (healing). So how does one build any polarity to become STS harvestable? Does it all have to be done in one single lifetime?
Conversely, are people who for whatever reasons perform STO actions go through a similar cleansing process to purify themselves of positive energies before reincarnating again? No, we would probably guess this is not the case. But why not, if it happens in the other camp?
Crunchy, nutritious food for thought.