11-07-2011, 03:47 PM
(11-07-2011, 12:14 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Relativism/pluralism is just another stage in the development of mind here, with possible healthy an pathological expressions. It can be used like a weapon or to actually provide more opportunity for acceptance.
You are right. As I said:
Tenet Nosce Wrote:As with all spiritual truths, there exists a twisted- or bastardized- version of it which is ascribed to by a certain percentage of the population.
In this particular case, YCYOR gets twisted into a belief that whatever one believes becomes true- even if it flies directly in the face of Cosmic Law.
Every entity which has won access to this particular sphere has the inalienable right to choose to call forth whichever aspect of their being they feel is most appropriate for the situation. This can be done through an act of personal will, or through a surrender of personal will to the Higher Self. This is the truth of YCYOR.
The falsity of YCYOR occurs when it is applied to the ends of attempting to violate Cosmic Law. What is Cosmic Law? It is the Law of One. It is a statement of the interconnectedness of all Creation, and of all entities operating within a particular sphere of influence.
Any belief which is based upon the denial of the Law of One is wrong. Not in the moral or ethical sense, but in the sense of what is actually true about Creation.
Can false belief systems be valuable steps in the actualization of unity consciousness? Undoubtedly. However they are hardly necessary.
The Brown Notebook Wrote:Sunday, September 28, 1958
Greetings, my son. I am happy to be with you this morning. There are many things to talk about this morning.
Your people are beginning to realize that the Father is father of us all. This will take time to spread throughout your peoples. Most will find it hard to realize that we are all brothers and sisters. This, however, is the true creation. All are one. My brothers and I intend to help your peoples realize this. The time will come when the beauty of it all will be revealed.
You are doing very well, my son. Continue your meditation and you will improve more. This has been an interesting talk. I will leave you now.
Adonai, my son.
Sunday, September 28, 1958
Greetings in the light of the Infinite Father.
This, my son, will be a talk on God’s love for man. Man was created in perfection. Throughout ages of time he has lowered himself, by his own will, to his present state. Throughout these ages he has been constantly loved by the one you call God. In reality, he is the Father of us all.
The love of God, or the Creator, is expressed through man in many ways: through his thoughts, his feelings for mankind, his love of everything in the Creation.
(Channel: Due to noise, etc., I was unable to continue contact. Requested to have message continued later.)
Monday, September 29, 1958
Greetings, my son. We will continue with the message of last night.
In the beginning man was created with free will. Throughout ages of erroneous thinking he has brought himself to this point of destruction. He still has a choice. He can eliminate himself from this planet or turn to the Creator and make this planet truly a heaven.
Throughout all this erroneous thinking man has been loved by the Creator, for the Creator knows that man must learn by experience. Everything in the universe is good because of its perfect creation.
I will leave you now. Adonai, my son.
Monday, September 29, 1958
Greetings, my son. This will be a short message due to your time.
Love and understand your fellow man. This is important. Do not let anything or anyone sway you from this path. Results are your reward.
Bless you. Adonai, my son.
Tuesday, September 30, 1958
Greetings, my son.
This is a little story to help you solve many problems in the future. The Creator gave you thoughts in the beginning. These thoughts are instilled within your being. When troubles come, search your inner self. There you will find your answers. Most people find this very hard to do. It comes with practice.
I leave you now. Adonai, my son.
Tuesday, September 30, 1958
Greetings, my son.
This is to let you know I received your question. You are not doing wrong in sharing your experiences with others at this time. If your experiences will help others, the time is not wasted. Information you are receiving is for all, not just your group. Others must learn some way.
I will leave you now. Adonai, my son.
Tuesday, September 30, 1958
Greetings, my friends.
I wish to talk to you this evening about love. Love is the greatest force in the creation. It will stand the ravages of time and come forth victorious.
Your peoples do not understand the true meaning of love. You look upon love as possessing. It should be giving. Give of your thoughts, your time, yourselves, to help others. The Creator loves you through everything. So must you. See your neighbor and yourself as perfection, then you will know true love.
I leave you now. Adonai, my son.
Wednesday, October 1, 1958
Greetings, my son. This little message will help you in many ways.
Your peoples are disturbed by the many conflicts of life. Assure them of the Creator’s love for them, a love that is beyond your understanding.
Sins, as you know them, are not necessarily sins against the Creator, but against man. They are man-made. The Creator sees you as perfection, as you were created. Man will punish himself.
I will continue later. Adonai, my son.
Wednesday, October 1, 1958
I am with you again, my son. We will finish the message of this morning.
Man should hold no fear of punishment from the Creator. Fear was not created in the beginning. Man did this himself. Once man has learned to love the Creator as he should, all fears will vanish.
Only good was created. If anything else exists, it is in the mind of man. This will be hard to learn by many, but once this has been learned it will bring about great good. Think of this, my son, and live as you should live. Perfection and harmony, then great good, will come about for you and others.
I will leave you now. Adonai.
50+ years later and humanity is still hemming and hawing as to what these messages "really mean". It seems rather straightforward to me.