11-07-2011, 12:24 PM
(11-07-2011, 11:58 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:(11-07-2011, 10:32 AM)3DMonkey Wrote:(11-06-2011, 11:29 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: In actuality, to actively withhold the truth from somebody who is demonstrating their misapprehension of it is not a compassionate act. It is a cowardly act.
You are wrong about that.
It is braver to allow that person to be and believe what they want. It would be so much more courageous to accept their choices.
No, the correction is cowardly, because it is trying to persuade the other to believe what "I" believe in order for me to feel as though I'm in a safer environment where my thoughts "rule".
.... And, now I'm a hypocrite...
No doubt, we are all hypocrites to some degree. The difference here is context. We are in a forum:
"A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged."
The keyword here is exchanged. Forums are not places to give endless monologues. That place would be called the United States Congress.
But seriously... perhaps some folks are not aware of this but there is generally an understanding or agreement among forum members that the primary purpose of forum-ing is to discuss ideas. This means that one should be willing and able to accept critical review of the ideas they put forth, and to be "big boys and girls" and not get their underoos ruffled every time somebody has something "negative" to say.
Similarly, in the context of your family, it is entirely appropriate for a parent to correct a child if their actions are demonstrating a misapprehension of truth. If one child hits another child and steals their toys, then THAT would be the appropriate time to remind the child that they do not live in a vacuum. That they are connected to others. That their actions are going to come back around to them.
No parent in their right mind would sit there and watch the scene unfold and do nothing. However, and especially here in America, there are many parents who are not in their right minds, and do exactly that. They allow their little brats to run around the planet like tyrants, making endless ego demands, and pandering to them as if they were the Crown Prince. I stand by my previous assessment, this is not compassion, but cowardice.
Now, if somebody is minding their own business, keeping to themselves, and desirous of living in a false reality based upon the illusion of separation, and then somebody else rolls in out of the blue and FORCES the truth upon them, that is a different story.
Problem is... people who live their lives based out of the illusion of separation just can't seem to keep to themselves. They are relentless in their machinations and manipulations aimed at controlling other-selves in order to gain a false position of superiority and self-serving interests. They are also unyielding in their attempts to convert others to their own self-serving belief systems. In the case of global corporatist bankers, at least this is to be expected. In other cases, it is a bit more of a surprise.
Certainly it is not my job to tell you what compassion is. All I will say is that the idea that lying and withholding of truth is compassionate sounds like an old stale belief system whose time has come.
"This is for your own protection."
"Nobody wants to create a panic."
"People aren't ready for the truth."
These are the justifications that have been put forth by the world's "elite" for millenia as to why withholding truth is the "right thing to do". Perhaps in millenia past, this was indeed the case.
Now, at this particular space/time nexus, this is no longer the case. The time of the Great Sifting is at hand. Now is the time to proclaim the truth from the rooftops. For many people, this is their last chance for a very long time.
I, for one, will not be silent. I will not hold back the truth from those who have been mired in the illusion of separation. They deserve to be offered opportunities to apprehend the truth right up until the very last second. I will not withhold the truth. I will not put my light under a bushel. I will not stand by and say nothing while my misguided brothers and sisters attempt to take others down with them into the sinkhole of indifference. And I certainly will not do these things in the name of "compassion".
My sincere best to you and yours. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Hahaha. I thought the key word was you are wrong. You chose to focus on hypocrite. Rich, man. Rich.
You're afraid of accepting "brats". That's just not LOO.