11-06-2011, 03:32 AM
(11-04-2011, 06:33 AM)yossarian Wrote: Just because the mother wasn't intentionally trying to exploit doesn't mean her act is positively polarizing.
howere it means it is not negative.
Quote:Also I think you're projecting norms from turkey or something on to big parts of the world. Did you forget about Japan?
lets say i was. how would that be any different from projecting norms from america ? not at all.
(11-04-2011, 07:39 AM)Namaste Wrote: You've just equated a genuine act of STO (compassion, caring for another) with a dishonest manipulation with means to control, STS!
because it is. you may think its sto because your intention is sto in faking your emotions/thoughts, but, it is not sto, and even at a lower spiritual level in regard to basics, it is negative - you are suppressing manifestation of your emotions - you are controlling them.
(11-04-2011, 11:44 AM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: How does one get from neutral 3D entity to STS polarized 3D entity? First, one must move through the stages of being a jerk, of being aggressive, of disregarding others' feelings, in order to later come to more conscious states of control and manipulations.
not necessarily. i have one unfortunate acquaintance who had decided that he had to 'try' the dark side back after getting into spiritual material. he probably turned about after a while. however it shows that even conscious people can take extreme decisions.
'being a jerk' is a 2d/early 3d blunt behavior. animalistic. it does not have a purpose or particular polarization. at most you can classify it as a 2d behavior.
(11-04-2011, 05:25 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:(11-04-2011, 06:02 AM)unity100 Wrote: sts needs to have exploitation of the other entity as an aim.
No it doesn't. Exploitation of an other-self is a characteristic of STS, but not the only one.
You have confused an attribute of STS with definition of STS.
it is the only one that defines the sts polarity in regard to others. the other thing that defines sts polarity in regard to self is, suppressing/controlling one's emotions and feelings.
Quote:Now, what I was doing, is countering your assertion that being brutally 'honest' with a young child, to the point of hurting that child and squashing her joy, is somehow desirable and even, in your words, "the right thing." You seem to insist that it is correct, appropriate, and even optimal for an STO-polarizing entity to disregard the feelings of an other-self and just tell them whatever you happen to feel or think, regardless of the possibility that you might be wrong, and regardless of the probability that you will severely hurt the entity.
correct, appropriate, optimal for sto polarizing entity, is to be honest about its feelings and thoughts. even so, regardless of all the actions from others in response. however, this is a necessity of blue ray, as it explained in the material, and it may be rather hard for a sto entity even in 4th or working with 4th ray to manifest it. however, this is as it is - radiation of self, regardless of all reactions from the other entity.
the entity may be severely hurt in endless forms and ways. whereas in gaelic culture a few thousand years ago, an entity would laugh at his/her mother saying that s/he had a horrible singing voice and then move on to drink another cup of bear, in today's america it is seen as undesirable. feeling hurt or undesirable responses change with times and culture and even the person. you see it undesirable and hurting today, some others cultures or other types of characters dont. if entities were supposed to tailor their feelings and thoughts in accordance with culture, there should be no norm for honesty. which is something very important later on in in higher spiritual frequencies, as we will probably soon revisit in the course of this post.
Quote:doing whatever we can, from within our own cultural standards, to convey kindness, caring, compassion and consideration to others.
These are traits of an STO entity, and any STO entity can and will find a way to convey those traits, regardless of language barriers or cultural differences.
You seem to have been arguing that showing kindness, caring, compassion and consideration are unnecessary and even 'fake' and furthermore that brutal honesty is the 'right thing' for an STO entity.
let me tidy it up for you :
you basically are saying that the mother should have faked his/her emotions or the magnitude of those emotions to be 'caring'.
i am telling that, this is wrong. flat out wrong. faking/modifying the nature and magnitude of emotions, is NOT 'caring'.
this is what i am saying. there is no caring in dishonesty.
caring compassion consideration et al, should NEVER take the form of FAKING, lying, modifying, exaggerating or reducing emotions and thoughts, neither of the person in question or the entity it is interacting with.
Quote:No, it doesn't mean that at all. It's not an instantaneous occurrence, but a progression. 51% is just the minimum requirement. Many entities surpass that minimum, and may even have surpassed the minimum lifetimes ago, but chose to reincarnate in 3D again to help increase the harvest.
no, if you are 51%, you are harvested. this is the requirement for positive 3d harvest. excuse me bu what are you even saying here ? 'many entities surpass minimum' ? you are saying that many entities already qualified for harvest, despite Ra was saying that harvest would be too small ?
Quote:It's possible that an entity could progress very quickly to positive in early 3D. Probably not likely, but always possible.
and ? you are saying that they would manifest 4d properties in 3d ? and this should be the norm because, such exceptions MAY exist ?
Quote:Entities don't go poof and suddenly manifest 4D properties. It's a progression, begun in 3D. When an entity manifests enough (at least 51%) of the 4D properties, he is harvestable to 4D.
We discussed this previously on the Strictly Law of One > Advanced Studies > Green Ray Requirement for Harvest to 4D thread (with which I will probably merge portions of this thread).
if you revisit that thread, you would see that what you have proven there also mandates blue and indigo ray manifestation a requirement for harvestable 4d.
so, it doesnt end at 4th ray, or its properties. honesty WILL be needed in the next step.
Quote:No, not at all. Those societies were inclined towards positive or negative, but still in the process of evolving and polarizing. Had they already completely polarized, they would have been classified as 4D, not 3D.
so then you are basically accepting that 3d societies cannot be expected or required to manifest 4d properties.
Quote:Friend, I think you are very mistaken here. Again, those are indeed attributes of STS, but not the only attributes.
An absence of one or more attributes, does not negate STS orientation, if other STS attributes are present.
let me repeat again :
there are two defining traits of sts in regard to self and in regard to others :
in regard to self, you suppress/control thoughts/emotions.
in regard to other, you suppress/control others.
its about control and suppression. these are two traits that define sts. there may be a lot of corollaries that these bring, but, what defines sts as a polarity is these.
Quote:Looking at this alone, it's still STS. If Person A knows that his 'brutal honesty' will hurt Person B, but doesn't care, because he thinks honesty is necessary for his own development, then that is still STS, because he is putting his own development above the welfare of the other-self. It's still self-serving and shows a lack of green ray.
first, you cannot be honest without blue ray. and in order for there to be blue, there has to be all the other rays down below that. otherwise, there cant be blue frequency/vibration, nomatter what you do.
therefore, no such silly statement like 'it shows lack of green' can be possible, when you are manifesting blue ray. ALL the higher rays in positive, encompass and surpass the ones below.
if it had put Looking at this alone, it's still STS. If Person A knows that his 'brutal honesty' will hurt Person B, but doesn't care, because he thinks honesty is necessary for his own development, then that is still STS, because he is putting his own development above the welfare of the other-self. It's still self-serving and shows a lack of green ray.
if it was sts, she would LIE to you saying that it was great, making sure that there would be no bad blood in the house and nuisance to her on your part and then skillfully evade taking any action towards any kind of desire you had towards singing, without rocking the boat. which is what many parents do by the way.
i am going to lump all of the quotes in which the same property manifests into one block below :
Quote:It's not enough to just be aware of the other-self's feelings. The STO-aspiring entity must also care about the other-self's feelings and well-being.
At this late stage, are you seriously suggesting that there are still entities who haven't even begun polarizing in either direction?
Obviously, there are still plenty of entities on the fence, who haven't polarized sufficiently in either direction to be harvestable. But even they have at least made some progress in 75,000 years. Maybe they are only 45% STO, or 85% STS. They aren't harvestable yet, but they have certainly polarized to some degree, to the point that they understand, at least subconsciously, the nature of their choice when they choose to be kind or cruel to an other-self.
I didn't say the entity was negative. I said it was leaning negative, polarizing negative.
I think you have segregated the densities too much. All attributes exist in all densities, but in potentiation. They don't just manifest all suddenly, as in poof. They manifest as the entity evolves. Different attributes are manifest more, and emphasized more, according to the density.
Again, this was discussed in the Strictly Law of One > Advanced Studies > Green Ray Requirement for Harvest to 4D thread.
You don't seem to allow for any progression. Also, we don't just magically go poof when we get to another density. It's an evolution and we go to the density we already resonate with. This is evidenced by what Ra tells us of the walking of the Steps of Light. The soul is already suitable for this or that density, and is placed accordingly. This means the soul has already developed those traits! In contrast to what you seem to be saying, which is that they obtain those traits when they are placed in that density. You have it backwards.
You are confusing expressions of kindness and compassion, with the actual kindness and compassion.
excuse me, but a blunt out, flat out no.
let me tell you what you are doing - you are expecting 4d traits in 3d. you WONT find it. because understanding is not of 3rd density.
Quote:16.44 Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for you to give a short description of the conditions in the fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is. Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited until we become without words.
That which fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.
Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thought of other-selves; it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.
these are the properties of 4th density, which you are seeking in 3rd density. you may also notice various quotes in which Ra mentions something like 3d being of rather 'sts nature'.
basically, you wont find the manifestations you are trying to mandate in 3d, in 3d. because, this density is not the density you are transferring the properties from.
progress exists, but that progress is in the form of 'blunt, crude' nature of 3rd density if you will. this is the density of yellow ray, and all the suboctaves of yellow ray, are derived from properties of yellow ray. so, the green of this 3rd density, will not afford you the properties you desire from the general meaning of 4th density as you so insistently desire to find in 3d. it will be blunt, crude, unsculpted. nomatter how much the entity progresses it wont manifest with the green overlaid cloak you desire.
this is why even when the entity graduates from 3d, the sculpture is rough and it requires refining in 4d :
nomatter what, both the expressions of compassion and kindness, and the 'actual' kindness and compassion, will be only present in the 3d levels in a 3d entity - NOT 4d. that is a whole other density.
however you are excepting and transliterating these properties into 3d. that wont happen.
your problem may be expecting interactions of 4d, in 3d as a wanderer/higher density entity/harvestable.
Quote:Let's isolate the point here: The way she says it, her exact words, tone of voice, etc. might vary from one culture to another. Quit being hung up on that. The end result is, if the mother is uncaring, and knowingly hurts the child, that action, regardless of the words used, is incompatible with polarizing STO.
variance does not take the form of dishonesty and lying.
IF, she felt that much reaction to your song, she should express it as such. if you think she had exaggerated, that may be possible. however your issue doesnt seem to be with the magnitude of the reaction than the nature of it.
Quote:That doesn't prove that you're right and I'm wrong at all. It simply shows that we have 2 different approaches.
Your approach is very similar to the Bible-thumper, who analyzes the book and decides what he considers the 'truth' then forms a rigid doctrine. Anyone deviating from that doctrine is considered a heretic.
you 'prove' something in the text. In some cases, about certain details, sure, but not about important concepts like the nature of STS and STO. That understanding is stamped in my consciousness. I don't need Ra to explain that to me. I already understood it before I ever read the Law of One. The Law of One didn't introduce me to STS and STO; it just explained why we have STS and STO.
excuse me, but you have still not provided any explanation in regard to basic spiritual properties i have explained in regard to how sts/sto comes into being. it seems that even tho you are apparently selectively calling incorrectness in the material, you are still accepting the basic spiritual principles it brings. i have explained how lack of blue effects negative path in basic spiritual terms. not only terms of Ra material, but in regard to general spirituality. you havent responded to these.
Quote:I believe you have...with your intellect. But have tried considering them with your heart?
considering there is no such separate concepts in spiritualism like 'intellect' and 'heart', and even more ridiculous made up difference in between the two since both emotions, thoughts, and actually ANYthing that is experienced takes place in mind as material explains us, yes.
Quote:That's mere speculation.
It seems much more logical to me that Ra asked Don to scan for errors, because Ra knew there might be errors.
You argue for the infallibility of Ra's words. Well, why aren't you taking this statement ("scan for errors") literally? Ra said, "scan for errors". Taken literally, Ra wanted us to scan for errors because there might be errors.
You argue for perfection of the source, but then you come up with a roundabout explanation about what Ra really meant in that very, very clear statement.
You can't have it both ways.
there is no contradiction here. that is a common teaching method which is practiced by teachers in daily life too.
Quote:You are evading the question. You explicitly said, not once but at least twice, that my mother 'did the right thing.' Presuming that my mother was aspiring to polarize STO, that is an entirely different issue from whether it's STS or not. I would really like to know how you can justify hurting another entity as being 'the right thing' for an STO person.
you were hurt. i wouldnt be hurt. few of my friends would be hurt, some others may have laughed.
you are putting your hurtfulness ahead of everything else. its a personal situation and condition you are wanting to be the norm/basis for everyone. it cannot.
Quote:No, she didn't. She deprived me of one of the very few moments of joy in an otherwise horrible, miserable, traumatic childhood. That was despicable to do that, knowing how unhappy I was. One of the very few times I actually felt happy, she took it away!
and what about her ? you yourself said that she was a very problematic person, a problem character. what about her, raising you, in that environment ?
you are putting your state of being hurt ahead of everything else. now, is this sto, in the terms you define it ? you advocate compassion to the point of compromising honesty, and yet you are not providing any headroom for your mother in the conditions and mental state you name her to be in, even going as far to dub her act sts ?
Quote:Tell me again she "did the right thing."
if she had not faked his reaction intentionally, and communicated what she really felt, she did the right thing.
Quote:That's different because I was older by then and no longer cared what she thought.
But actually, yes she did do the same thing; she told me I could never be an actress because I was too short.
Only because she didn't have to watch my acting, since it was done at school. She never went to any of my plays, so it didn't concern her.
now we are coming to places ..... now now ...
she did the SAME thing again, but, this time, you have NOT cared about it then ? i wonder why that was ? maybe, it was because she did the same thing before, and you have experienced it ? and the next time it happened, you have not cared about it, and went on to pursue what you were temporally desiring at that point in time regardless of reactions even from your mother ?
which, from what i came to know about you from what you told about your life story, seems to be something you have continued to do all your life, giving you a rebel edge that was needed to break out of a lot of societal biases and restraints. a trait which, if was not there, would make it much harder for you to come to the spiritual, and even societal place you are in, in its absence.
and the acquisition of this trait happened early in childhood, without having to go through life-breaking disasters it would cause in latter stages of your life.
Quote:Are you reading my comments? I have explained several times that you have it backwards - her cold, calloused remarks would have been appropriate for an STS entity, but not for an STO entity.
a half-functional sts entity would be careful as to make any kind of remarks that would rock the boat. leave aside saving energy for honesty.
Quote:No, it doesn't. My mother wasn't an evil person. She wasn't blatantly STS. She meant well. She was just really messed up. That's all irrelevant.
that's relevant. you are criticizing the bluntness of an at most 2d reaction, even if it was potentially honest, labeling it as fitful of a sts entity, and then carrying out it as a norm.
all the problems revolving around this, and many other troubles of this society, stems from whats below :
Quote:The patterns of activation of an entity of high seniority will undoubtedly move with some rapidity to the green-ray level which is the springboard to primary blue. There is always some difficulty in penetrating blue primary energy for it requires that which your people have in great paucity; that is, honesty.
in the commonplace lack of something, the lack of that thing becomes the norm.