(11-04-2011, 11:17 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: On the inside, I am Mark Whalberg's character in The Departed. Seriously. This is the person I have suppressed in order to exist in this world. If I ever let that dude out, in honesty, I'd lose everything. Ironically, all the spiritual hoo nanny says I should let to and give it to the universe, but you people, and everyone else, would lynch me in a split second if I did that.
There are physical neurological pathways that promote repetitive negative emotional responses. Often people identify with said pattern and believe it to be them.
There is a fantastic presentation by Dr. Joe Dispenza - Evolve Your Brain (he also covers some topics in this interview), where he addresses this. He has based his work upon rational, scientific investigation. The end game of his talk; think greater than your circumstances. This enables one to literally break out of the negative pathways to create new ones.
It's very interesting to note that thinking greater than one's circumstances is often promoted by spiritually orientated therapists. It's also one of Bashar's key teachings.
(11-05-2011, 03:28 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: It's not about anger. It's about sensitive feelings of others. It's being able to say "that's f***ing stupid, dumb***" as a voice of honesty, but in no way derogatory or meant to be unaccepting. I'd rather say that than "I understand your reasoning but I disagree and I think you forgot to consider a few factors". That's just not acceptable to most people, and they get bent out of shape.
They are indeed the same thing, and as we touched on before, the output one creates is dependent on their own unique ray integration/activation/balance. This balance will instinctively (edit: genuinely) sculpt the creation of said entities thought, word and deed.
Having said that, there is the trap of neurological pattern repetition. Which can be changed, by capturing the pattern and consciously changing it. Some dismiss this as surpression; but I think that's a fundamental mistake, as that limits you to reactive emotional patterns rather than conscious control.
You allow the emotion to surface, and refrain from the emotional outburst. You control yourself, rather than be controlled. The key point here is that you contemplate the emotional response as it happens. You let it flow. If this is difficult, and it may be to start, take 10 minutes before sleep and go over the day, and look into the root causes of emotional reactions. This is one of Ra's key teachings regarding conscious evolution.
Silence is not surpression. Choosing silence is the yin to talking's yang. They are two sides of the same coin. Each can be used both positively or negatively, depending on the context. To choose silence in such cases (emotional reactions), can be a very positively polarising deed, as long as one contemplates it's origin.
Over time, the emotional reaction will start to dissipate, until it occurs very rarely. In that case, you have overcome a limitation of the physical mind; negative neurological patterns. New pathways will have been created which point towards patience and understanding.
To me, that's evolution :¬)
If you can find Evolve Your Brain (DVD) second hand, I would highly recommend watching it :¬)