11-04-2011, 02:29 PM
Thanks Ruth! And there are 'stickers' you can buy that are supposed to cut down on the EMF from cell phones that you can put on the back of your phone so it's not so bulky. I have never broke down and bought one but I will be applying another piece of black tourmaline to the back very soon. I've always wondered why airlines make people put their cell phones on airplane mode or turn them off before there was airplane mode and I believe it has something to do w/ the EMF. Whether it's so it doesn't mess w/ the planes signals or what I don't know but there is always a reason for everything. A cheap way to combat the EMF is black tourmaline that you can find locally I'm sure. Look for any metaphysical type store or a store that sells crystals. I've even seen them at flea markets where people sell all types of crystals.
If you are making some orgonite you can also add crystals to it as well. Are you familiar w/ crystals? A lot of people put rose quartz or some form of quartz in their orgonite and other gemstones that they 'feel' will work. I've learned that it really is all about what 'feels' right and we all need to listen to our intuition. So don't add crystals if you don't 'feel' the need.
I will try and remember to take some pics of my orgonite pieces and Holy Hand Grenades. If you need the metal shavings to make it then ebay is a good place to find the material as well.
If you are making some orgonite you can also add crystals to it as well. Are you familiar w/ crystals? A lot of people put rose quartz or some form of quartz in their orgonite and other gemstones that they 'feel' will work. I've learned that it really is all about what 'feels' right and we all need to listen to our intuition. So don't add crystals if you don't 'feel' the need.
I will try and remember to take some pics of my orgonite pieces and Holy Hand Grenades. If you need the metal shavings to make it then ebay is a good place to find the material as well.