11-02-2011, 03:47 AM
i was listening to gary null tonight on wbai.org and he had a doctor on who
wrote a book called super immunity dr joel fuhrman.. he was saying that for
breast and prostate cancer that the medical mushrooms are very helpful,
maitake, reishi and shitake. i take maitake myself it lower blood sugar and
blood pressure. he also was saying the cruciferous veggies will strengthen
our immune systems. i also like barley grass and wheat grass i take the
pines brand tablets of those
wrote a book called super immunity dr joel fuhrman.. he was saying that for
breast and prostate cancer that the medical mushrooms are very helpful,
maitake, reishi and shitake. i take maitake myself it lower blood sugar and
blood pressure. he also was saying the cruciferous veggies will strengthen
our immune systems. i also like barley grass and wheat grass i take the
pines brand tablets of those