11-01-2011, 01:01 AM
I notice the attacks on days when I am more sensitive. But the most blatant were entryways of Walmart and the entry of a really cool Catholic shrine. The shrine had 3 separate entities attack my chest area. When I mentioned it to my sister she said she was experiencing the same thing. Kind of like your heart is in the squeezing grip of a huge hand.
The thing to keep in mind is that places where certain types of folks frequent will be like a watering hole for other beings. So not just WallyWorld, but other places that are frequented by folks with mental and emotional issues.
An unhealthy overweight person could be considered to have the "demon/sin" of gluttony, which would normally be a certain type of entity that can take up residence in an organ or portion of the body, infusing its own wants/needs into the person it feeds from.
The thing to keep in mind is that places where certain types of folks frequent will be like a watering hole for other beings. So not just WallyWorld, but other places that are frequented by folks with mental and emotional issues.
An unhealthy overweight person could be considered to have the "demon/sin" of gluttony, which would normally be a certain type of entity that can take up residence in an organ or portion of the body, infusing its own wants/needs into the person it feeds from.