10-25-2011, 03:54 PM
i think Jobs did more good than harm, Unity. someone was gonna do it anyway. when the technology is out there it's up for grabs. he was controlling and angry but he was spiritual and passionate. his intentions were good. but he was human. often when a person is intense, and passionate, they are of course controlling and have anger problems. because they care more than others. that's what drives them. whether it's used for good or bad, Steve did more than his share of contributing to this planet. especially toward internet. would we have internet if he hadn't developed personal computers like he did? it was his passion that made it happen. and now we have revolutions taking place, politicians being exposed. all because of internet. all because of computers. a lot cuz of Steve. i hope he's in a good place now. i know what it's like to have anger issues and control issues. and to care more than anyone else about something. it's painful to care that much when others don't. it's not an excuse, but it's a reason. everyone has their reasons. and we the people have to take responsibility for what we do with the technology. it's a cop out to blame Steve.