10-20-2011, 12:34 PM
I'm sure many of you recall the words of Ra when he states that "All entities serve the Creator. It is impossible NOT to serve the Creator." I do not see why negative speculation and dismissal is made in regards to Hidden_Hand. Irregardless of the fact that he may indeed be a high ranking member of certain power lines, his service lies in that he has made catalyst available to others, both through his correspondence with the ATS community (which no doubt introduced those who fancy themselves truth-seekers to the grand truth, the Law of One) and in the role he has chosen to play here. The mass negativity incurred by him, or metaphysically speaking his Social Memory Complex Lucifer, has without a doubt offered tremendous opportunities for growth in this illusion, and it must be noted that this was apparently sanctioned by our Logos. From a limited 3D density one would indeed find many grievances against their deeds, yet you must look further and ponder the implications that this entity is serving the One Infinite Creator. His mental state or possible ulterior motives are inconsequential. One may refer to him as a heyoka... One would not expect the message he shared to have come from the source it did, a supposedly "evil" being, and yet it did. Merely another conveyance of the infinity of variances one will encounter in the vast Creation.
Remember, the Law of One blinks at neither the light nor the dark. The issue of light vs. dark is also a non-issue here. It is very clear that HH has a keen comprehension of the Law of One, and this understanding radiates from his words. Granted, he is nowhere near being the ultimate authority on it, but seeing as he spreads a message of harmony and advice to achieve this, while acknowledging the role he must play to keep the game going (which, he admits, is very hard to do on his spiritual level) is testament enough.
Remember, the Law of One blinks at neither the light nor the dark. The issue of light vs. dark is also a non-issue here. It is very clear that HH has a keen comprehension of the Law of One, and this understanding radiates from his words. Granted, he is nowhere near being the ultimate authority on it, but seeing as he spreads a message of harmony and advice to achieve this, while acknowledging the role he must play to keep the game going (which, he admits, is very hard to do on his spiritual level) is testament enough.