10-11-2009, 05:43 AM
(08-21-2009, 08:11 PM)Lavazza Wrote: On the subject of pyramids, radiocarbon dating of organic material found within the mortar between pyramid blocks posits that the age of the pyramids are nearer to 4500 years old (approximately 2500BC). (see source, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/exp...wold2.html).
My western scientific viewpoint:
I must add that my experience with radiometric dating (carbon isotope dating) is that it's sometimes prone to heavy errors. For example, carbon isotope dating is difficult for you do not know exactly what carbon molecules you're examining.
In short, radiometric dating examines the relative abundance of isotopes of a certain atom in a material, because of the radioactive principle in all matter, atoms are over time transformed into different isotopes. You then calculate the relation between a 'mother' isotope (the oldest one) and the newer ones, and can thus date the material you examine based on knowledge of how 'fast' this atom 'decomposes'.
The material you examine might as well be a micro organism that has grown, died, blended with the material you wish to examine, eroded material from 'newer' locations which has been transported and deposited in. It's almost impossible to tell.
It's a good method, but it has to be supported with other evidence.
We thought, for example, for a long time that there has been no glaciers in North America in the latest quaternary because carbon dating in the soil told us so. A truck load of evidence contradicts this.
So I would recommend to not trust radiometric dating too much.