01-12-2009, 09:01 PM
I am delighted to infinity for this topic on loose ends from the LOO material. During the likely hundreds of times I have read the books over and over since the early 80’s, I cannot count the times I found myself wanting more info on some of the things Ra said. I admit that a good many of these loose ends are of a very transient nature, and I apologize for burdening the members with some of them, but I can’t help it. It’s like an itch I’ve never been able to scratch. A saving grace is that some of the loose ends of concern more substantial things such as the archetypes. I’ll list some of them with the admission that they might be loose ends only to me since some of these things might have been subsequently covered in the Quo dialogs, which I haven’t followed nearly as closely. Anyway, here are some of them:
1. When Ra said those of Maldek incarnated as “bigfoot, was Ra referring to Neanderthals? It has to be since the timeframe fits so well.
2. As to the second race of bigfoots scattered about the earth “in deep forest”, where are these mysterious entities from since they have a high technological understanding.
3. The 5th density population of Venus – I assume they are positive, but Ra does not tie them very closely to earth interaction, or am I mistaken?
4. What 4th density planet did Jesus come here from as a wanderer, and where is he now. Don’t you wonder?
5. When Ra said our logos and “several neighboring logoi” chose the “second density apes” to invest, surely he didn’t mean to refer to all 3rd density entities in these galaxies. That would be a stretch, especially considering the entities from Sirius who “descended from second density vegetable” or trees.
That's only a small number of the superficial ones, and I apologize that it somewhat violates the intent of the string which dealt more with "law of confusion" loose ends. I’ll do the other ones in a subsequent post.
1. When Ra said those of Maldek incarnated as “bigfoot, was Ra referring to Neanderthals? It has to be since the timeframe fits so well.
2. As to the second race of bigfoots scattered about the earth “in deep forest”, where are these mysterious entities from since they have a high technological understanding.
3. The 5th density population of Venus – I assume they are positive, but Ra does not tie them very closely to earth interaction, or am I mistaken?
4. What 4th density planet did Jesus come here from as a wanderer, and where is he now. Don’t you wonder?
5. When Ra said our logos and “several neighboring logoi” chose the “second density apes” to invest, surely he didn’t mean to refer to all 3rd density entities in these galaxies. That would be a stretch, especially considering the entities from Sirius who “descended from second density vegetable” or trees.
That's only a small number of the superficial ones, and I apologize that it somewhat violates the intent of the string which dealt more with "law of confusion" loose ends. I’ll do the other ones in a subsequent post.