10-16-2011, 11:24 PM
(10-14-2011, 11:01 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: David, with utmost respect, I'm not sure I understand what you are writing about. I have no frame of reference to understand what you mean by these new terms. 5th & 6th Onclaves? White/Marble Houses? 6th Octave? Automating infrastructure in 4th density? Your subject title also says "4th Density Harvest", but don't you mean "3rd Density Harvest", since that's what we are currently embarking upon?
Can you please cite some sources for these claims as they pertain to the Law of One book series? And what does this have to do with our own ascension/harvest? Sorry, David, I'm REALLY confused by all of this.
Steve(10-12-2011, 04:28 AM)David Junior Wrote: At the beginning off 2011 The 5th Onclave/Density or in other words The White/Marble Houses were aloud access to the 6th Onclave.The 30,000 souls introduced to this density are on a mission to improve and widen the 4th Density/Onclave for a large influx,For approxiamatly twenty five percent off the Worlds population.
From the 6th Onclave the 4th and 5th Densitys can be manipulated due to the fact that the 6th Octave is the 101 in Light Creation.Our Lord/Logos has purposely left these 30,000 souls with the responceability off adding their own idea's and automating inforstructure in the 4th Density.This is so that the 6th Octave may recieve their apprenticeship in Light Creation.
Usualy the Orange array is needed in Ones Spectrum to achieve 4th Density Harvest.As the orange array is the basic understanding off the Relgions.To compensate for this,The Orange array will be taught in Heaven or the 4th Density/Octave.
May the Light lead us to a knowledge off the future with out fear off the resorces drieing up.
Dear Steve let Me decipher the thread for you.An octave could be said to be a density or an onclave.It just saves repeating the word density.But you could also say that an onclave is all the densitys or ones whole spectrum.As for the white houses/marble,This is the 5th density,It is what ones house in this density is made from.I hope this has helped some.