01-12-2009, 05:13 PM
Reading the wonderful comments from Bring4th_GLB, 3DSunset and BrotherASA today is pure celestial delight! Not only is the discussion alive and well, but the understanding is enlightened. When GLB quoted, (is so) "central an act of will" (that it empowers our progress), I instantly thought of two unrelated (as far as I know anyway) examples of other teachers (student/teachers - learn/teach, teach/learn) who also stress "intent" over technique - The Dog Whisperer and Jonathan Goldman of healingsounds.com.
There is a growing/expanding understanding of "conscious intent" under way in both the scientific disciplines and more esoteric disciplines which is very exciting. Many messages have similarly stated that science and spirituality will finally merge and cooperate, and this will send real knowledge and understanding of the way things really work on a more parabolic curve. We live in such exciting times!!! Ra and so many others so long involved in helping to encourage growth and understanding must be doing back flips right now as they witness the fruits of their very patient labor of Love and Light, as they witness such a positive and passionate organically growing result of understanding and expanded Consciousness.
GLB's quote from session #52 made me think back to Ra's fascinating description of what black holes actually are, a most phenomenal manifestation of an extremely intense seeking/desire by each galaxy (I believe they now know that there is a black hole at the center of every galaxy), each sub-Logos galactic intelligent entity ever seeking to be closer in undistorted Union with their Source/Creator. To know that gravity is so much more than a mathematical equation, to know that it is the manifestation of all of Creation in this construct of many-ness ever swirling back toward the Source, the One, the Prime Creator, Unity. I have a feeling that pondering the intense behavior of black holes may be a very useful asset during meditation.
And then the wonderfully enlightened erudite comments of 3D Sunset and BrotherASA concerning crystalline structure/behavior as it relates to spiritual growth and comment on chakra colors, balance and violet ray variations of the crown chakra. The comment on crystalization and frequency relating to sacred geometry made me think upon the Merkabah, Star Tetrahedron, nature's sacred geometry chariot. I will never look at the Star of David the same way again. I often wonder how many of the Jewish faith actually know what they really have there in that geometric shape of two tetrahedrons....
Love/Light, ChakRAmon
There is a growing/expanding understanding of "conscious intent" under way in both the scientific disciplines and more esoteric disciplines which is very exciting. Many messages have similarly stated that science and spirituality will finally merge and cooperate, and this will send real knowledge and understanding of the way things really work on a more parabolic curve. We live in such exciting times!!! Ra and so many others so long involved in helping to encourage growth and understanding must be doing back flips right now as they witness the fruits of their very patient labor of Love and Light, as they witness such a positive and passionate organically growing result of understanding and expanded Consciousness.
GLB's quote from session #52 made me think back to Ra's fascinating description of what black holes actually are, a most phenomenal manifestation of an extremely intense seeking/desire by each galaxy (I believe they now know that there is a black hole at the center of every galaxy), each sub-Logos galactic intelligent entity ever seeking to be closer in undistorted Union with their Source/Creator. To know that gravity is so much more than a mathematical equation, to know that it is the manifestation of all of Creation in this construct of many-ness ever swirling back toward the Source, the One, the Prime Creator, Unity. I have a feeling that pondering the intense behavior of black holes may be a very useful asset during meditation.
And then the wonderfully enlightened erudite comments of 3D Sunset and BrotherASA concerning crystalline structure/behavior as it relates to spiritual growth and comment on chakra colors, balance and violet ray variations of the crown chakra. The comment on crystalization and frequency relating to sacred geometry made me think upon the Merkabah, Star Tetrahedron, nature's sacred geometry chariot. I will never look at the Star of David the same way again. I often wonder how many of the Jewish faith actually know what they really have there in that geometric shape of two tetrahedrons....
Love/Light, ChakRAmon