(10-13-2011, 09:41 AM)knaumov Wrote: you mean the Mythi channel? That a dwarf start is coming on the same trajectory? I don't trust it really. None of the reputable channels is mentioning something like this.Nope, I think isn't channeling. It's a discussion originating in 2012forum.com/forum. Aside from clues, the guy in the video argued that the header at the NASA web page is a "whistleblower" in itself.
I trust only one rumor on it: that is that there's an installation on it - a pulsar engine, which allows control of the thing. I gave a reference to the source on page 4-5-6 or something
There's one more thing, which I like as an idea about Elenin - that it's a cloaked Federation spaceship, visible only with higher dimensions perception. Not that I trust it, I just have no no reason why to reject it. Sounds fun if so
The issue of the visibility relative to the dimension one is looking from, that you comment on, is also what Pickle thought.
Also, second part of latest Wilcock article just fresh! :-D
Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed