10-05-2009, 09:08 PM
A lot of people think that you need to have some sort of supernatural experience to consider yourself awakened. What I believe is that when you reach a certain point of understanding, you look back on your life and realize how many things have happened that, at the time, seemed pointless but now seem to be links in a chain, pieces in a puzzle falling together. You don’t have to be abducted by aliens or discover paranormal abilities to find yourself growing. Sometimes it is much more subtle than that, and even more impactful in my opinion.
The fact that you are questioning your own nature is a sure sign of awakening in my book. My advice to you would be to simply continue asking these questions. Research any topic that sparks your interest, share your experiences and search your soul. Take time every day to meditate and seek answers. I would highly recommend keeping a journal documenting the various evidences and meaningful experiences you’ve uncovered. You’ll realize that if you are truly seeking wisdom, there is no special ritual you have to perform for it to come, and it will find you in the way that will suit you best. Just ask, and your calls will be heard and lovingly answered. And know that these answers may not appear in the form of a deity coming to speak with you directly. They may appear in something so simple you would miss it if you weren’t looking- a little nudge in the right direction. It takes time to grow and adjust, so don’t think that just because nothing blatantly obvious is happening that something tremendous isn’t occurring beneath the surface.
Don’t let anyone tell you what constitutes right and wrong, awakened or not awakened. Don’t believe something just because someone tells you it is so. Study the great truths until you can accept them in your heart for what they are, until you are ready to tell others of what you have learned. Question and learn until you can turn your theories and beliefs into convictions. Look to others for support, but look to yourself for growth. It is something you have to realize for yourself- that is part of the journey.
Just stop and take a good, long look at the world around you: the occurrences of your life, the impact of your experiences, the stunning beauty that surrounds you, and you’ll realize all the miracles going on right under your nose. The fact that you’ve come to a site like this, risking ridicule in hopes of attaining answers, shows you’ve got a spark that’s waiting to blaze into an inferno. You are a child and a piece of the Creator, and the Light will care for Its own.
On a less serious note, it’s great to see other young people on this site. Good luck with everything, and feel free to PM if you’d like to chat!
The fact that you are questioning your own nature is a sure sign of awakening in my book. My advice to you would be to simply continue asking these questions. Research any topic that sparks your interest, share your experiences and search your soul. Take time every day to meditate and seek answers. I would highly recommend keeping a journal documenting the various evidences and meaningful experiences you’ve uncovered. You’ll realize that if you are truly seeking wisdom, there is no special ritual you have to perform for it to come, and it will find you in the way that will suit you best. Just ask, and your calls will be heard and lovingly answered. And know that these answers may not appear in the form of a deity coming to speak with you directly. They may appear in something so simple you would miss it if you weren’t looking- a little nudge in the right direction. It takes time to grow and adjust, so don’t think that just because nothing blatantly obvious is happening that something tremendous isn’t occurring beneath the surface.
Don’t let anyone tell you what constitutes right and wrong, awakened or not awakened. Don’t believe something just because someone tells you it is so. Study the great truths until you can accept them in your heart for what they are, until you are ready to tell others of what you have learned. Question and learn until you can turn your theories and beliefs into convictions. Look to others for support, but look to yourself for growth. It is something you have to realize for yourself- that is part of the journey.
Just stop and take a good, long look at the world around you: the occurrences of your life, the impact of your experiences, the stunning beauty that surrounds you, and you’ll realize all the miracles going on right under your nose. The fact that you’ve come to a site like this, risking ridicule in hopes of attaining answers, shows you’ve got a spark that’s waiting to blaze into an inferno. You are a child and a piece of the Creator, and the Light will care for Its own.
On a less serious note, it’s great to see other young people on this site. Good luck with everything, and feel free to PM if you’d like to chat!