(09-23-2011, 02:49 PM)transiten Wrote: Funny odinn i was just going to try to post the show but don't know how!Good point... (I do things the most difficult way!) I'll try to post the Youtube audioclip.
(09-23-2011, 02:49 PM)transiten Wrote: Funny odinn i was just going to try to post the show but don't know how!1. Copy the URL of the video you want to post.
2. When editing your post, you see a rack of icons. One of them looks like TV set. Click it and choose the video provider...
3. ...that will embed a snippet of code with two tags, like [technoBlah] x [/technoBlah]
4. Paste your URL in between them (where I placed an x)
That's it!