(01-11-2009, 04:46 PM)Quantum Wrote: My simple point is that the information is getting out, irrespective of any movie, or its merits. One needn't any longer be a Seeker or Student exclusively of the esoteric and metaphysical when its "in your face" via Madison Avenue, Hollywood Big Guns, Movie Stars, and entertainment generally such that even the general public would have to be brain dead to miss it.
Here is another reference to the 2012 phenomena I might recommend for nothing else than the last 20 minutes entitled "The Esoteric Agenda"
(or for the full 2 hours - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...7963555139).
Although it may seem largely doom and gloom initially (the 2 hour version), it "may" nonetheless be somewhat educational in as much as it "may" tie current political/economic events to the 2012 appearance of these inconveniences, as much as any earth change we also speak to with what seems to be greater ease(?) Now, why that is might be fodder for a humorous conversation at a later time on another site for any academic mind as to why one might be considered a doomsayer vs a conspirialitorist vs simply a head in the sand metaphizzler for refusing to consider that changes must manifest as changes vs refusing to not consider these differences at all. We may speak to it as long as we do not s-p-e-a-k- to it. But therein lies the problem. The minute we do speak to it is the same minute we become swept away with it and digress. A-h-h- we are a complicated lot. But I digress. Back to the video: I was not aware for example of the fact that we "may" only be utilizing some 20 of our current 64 possible codes in our DNA structure, made up amino acids in our chromosomes, and that they may be activated at some later time, ie. 2012, as a result of the earth which historically only vibrated at some 7 hertz, to then 9 hertz in 1986-87 (sound familiar to the Ra Material?) and is expected to jump to 12 hertz by 2012. Fascinating if all true.
Hey, friend, I'm so glad you made it! Good to see you!
Yes, indeed, 2012 is in the mainstream...and anytime anything gets into the mainstream, it's sort of a doulbe-edged sword...definitely a 'good' thing in the sense that, apparently, enough people have awakened to the reality so that it's hit the consensual reality...while, at the same time, more susceptible to the usual distortions.
As more 'doom-and-gloom' movies and whatnot hit the mainstream, they will provide a convenient way out for those who would choose to ignore what's really happening, in favor of having a gleeful, gloating laugh on the morning of Dec. 22...or, worse, a mechanism for fear for those who choose that.
And yet, there will be those who will be intrigued, and will see thru the glam and the glitter, and look more deeply, and search...and find.
I'll check out your sites. Very fascinating that science is beginning to acknowledge some shifting of not only the Earth, but our bodies as well.