01-11-2009, 04:27 PM
What a fascinating dual thread. Crystallization and service to others, a perfect match.
The only way I have of visualizing crystallization is what I have been able to gather from plasma physics. When a plasma/energy field is subjected to certain frequencies of vibration the field will form without any outside influence certain geometric patterns which can be thought of as being crystall patterns. The most fascinating portion of this to me is that those patterns will often take the shape of what is known as sacred geometric figures. I think of crystallization as being able to process the in-streaming intelligent infinity/energy through the chakras which in turn causes the energy center to form one of these sacred geometric figures. If I have not opened up to the Law of One I will block the flow of energy through the centers which will be manifested externally by various "symptoms" such as blaming others, etc.
As for the determination of whether one is sufficiently either STO or STS for harvest, I think that the post relating to Ra indicating that it is the violet ray which determines whether one is ready for fourth density or not is on the mark. I think that the violet ray or gateway to intelligent infinity for a person to be considered sufficiently STO would have to be at least 51% open. To achieve such opening a person would have to be sufficient spiritually advanced to have the chakras from red to green open with green not necessarily fully open but sufficient to be able to process over half of the incoming intelligent infinity.
When we speak of STO I can't see it as being simply going out and working in a soup kitchen, helping the nearest panhandler, etc. as something mechanical. Rather I see STO as being something one does spontaneously from the heart on the spur of the moment. You could see a child standing alone in a mall crying and you, instead of walking by not wanting to get involved, stop and help the child. You hear of a family that needs help and without joining some organized effort you do what you can to help. If the ability to be harvestable was merely the racking up of "points" then it would become a game and that's not what the Law of One is about.
I guess the underlying unspoken question is how do you know whether you are harvestable or not. Personally, I believe that if you ask yourself and truly listen for the answer you will know whether at this you have or haven't progressed to that point. If you haven't quite gotten there is it something to fret about? No, you ask for guidance how to move toward being more open hearted but the progress, in my opinion, should never be pursued for the purpose of "making 4D" but rather to become as One with Creator.
Movement toward 8D will occur eventually anyway, I try to dedicate the living of this incarnation to becoming closer to being One with Creator without setting any goals other than to provide as much experiencing feedback to Creator as possible. If when I walk the steps I am such that I am sufficiently of violet ray to be 4D then I will at some point make the decision as to what it is I will do in the next incarnation.
I only express my view and none other. I do not ask that you accept my view but merely acknowledge that is the view I hold and from your heart simply allow me to do so. As Ra has indicated there is no right and no wrong and truth is relative to the point of progression.
The only way I have of visualizing crystallization is what I have been able to gather from plasma physics. When a plasma/energy field is subjected to certain frequencies of vibration the field will form without any outside influence certain geometric patterns which can be thought of as being crystall patterns. The most fascinating portion of this to me is that those patterns will often take the shape of what is known as sacred geometric figures. I think of crystallization as being able to process the in-streaming intelligent infinity/energy through the chakras which in turn causes the energy center to form one of these sacred geometric figures. If I have not opened up to the Law of One I will block the flow of energy through the centers which will be manifested externally by various "symptoms" such as blaming others, etc.
As for the determination of whether one is sufficiently either STO or STS for harvest, I think that the post relating to Ra indicating that it is the violet ray which determines whether one is ready for fourth density or not is on the mark. I think that the violet ray or gateway to intelligent infinity for a person to be considered sufficiently STO would have to be at least 51% open. To achieve such opening a person would have to be sufficient spiritually advanced to have the chakras from red to green open with green not necessarily fully open but sufficient to be able to process over half of the incoming intelligent infinity.
When we speak of STO I can't see it as being simply going out and working in a soup kitchen, helping the nearest panhandler, etc. as something mechanical. Rather I see STO as being something one does spontaneously from the heart on the spur of the moment. You could see a child standing alone in a mall crying and you, instead of walking by not wanting to get involved, stop and help the child. You hear of a family that needs help and without joining some organized effort you do what you can to help. If the ability to be harvestable was merely the racking up of "points" then it would become a game and that's not what the Law of One is about.
I guess the underlying unspoken question is how do you know whether you are harvestable or not. Personally, I believe that if you ask yourself and truly listen for the answer you will know whether at this you have or haven't progressed to that point. If you haven't quite gotten there is it something to fret about? No, you ask for guidance how to move toward being more open hearted but the progress, in my opinion, should never be pursued for the purpose of "making 4D" but rather to become as One with Creator.
Movement toward 8D will occur eventually anyway, I try to dedicate the living of this incarnation to becoming closer to being One with Creator without setting any goals other than to provide as much experiencing feedback to Creator as possible. If when I walk the steps I am such that I am sufficiently of violet ray to be 4D then I will at some point make the decision as to what it is I will do in the next incarnation.
I only express my view and none other. I do not ask that you accept my view but merely acknowledge that is the view I hold and from your heart simply allow me to do so. As Ra has indicated there is no right and no wrong and truth is relative to the point of progression.