09-19-2009, 04:48 PM
I asked Carla her opinion on this:
15:21:44 ‹Bring4th_Monica› Carla, I have a question: There is a discussion on the forum about the Oahspe book, which Ra said was 'approved by Council.' Some members were wondering how it could have been approved, when some of its info seems to directly contradict the Law of One teachings. For example, it says reincarnation if false. more
09/19/09 15:22:16 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, if another question comes in, just break in. I'll keep talking a bit about asking for help.
09/19/09 15:22:35 ‹Bring4th_Monica› So we were wondering what criteria the Council uses to 'approve' something. Does it have to meet a criteria of % undistorted or somethig like that? I have a 2nd part to this question also.
09/19/09 15:22:44 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Oh, hang on - Typing on Oahspe, Monica -
09/19/09 15:23:13 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, Oahspe was written by spirit in the late nineteenth century, when typewriters had just been invented. More
09/19/09 15:23:41 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› it has a very lovely vibration, for those of you who have handled the book or read it, you know what I mean. More
09/19/09 15:24:16 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I think that the fact that it was approved by the Council of Saturn does not mean that it hews to some kind of dogma. More
09/19/09 15:25:15 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› This is an important point. The Confederation philosophy does not intend to be dogmatic. More
09/19/09 15:25:58 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› it does not intend to set up a right/wrong situation where anything that disagrees with its tenets is rejected. More
09/19/09 15:27:08 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› it is possible to have a difference of opinion on reincarnation, for example, without disturbing the book's basic vibration or possible use as a spiritual resource by seekers. I have no idea why this book was accepted and would just guess that it is the lovely, angelic vibration of the work. (l)/(i)
09/19/09 15:27:23 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, do you ahve a follow-up, or another question?
09/19/09 15:27:34 ‹Bring4th_Monica› yes
09/19/09 15:27:48 ‹Bring4th_Monica› Here's the 2nd part of that question: In an effort to make some sense of how Oahspe might have been approved, I speculated that maybe mixed-polarity stuff (assuming Oashspe is mixed, which I don't really know, but just supposing) might be approved for use by those who are still undecided about polarity...or maybe even (more)
09/19/09 15:28:02 ‹Bring4th_Monica› for use by those choosing STS. Which brought up the question: Since the Council is made up of 4D, 5D & 6D SMC's & past mid 6D there is no longer polarity, could it be possible that maybe the late 6D PORTION of the Council might serve STS entities as well as STO? as in, answer their call as well?
09/19/09 15:28:08 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, typing on that -
09/19/09 15:29:01 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, I do not think that the Confedertion's association with us is in any way mixed. They intend to be a resource strictly for STO entities reaching for positive Harvest at this time. More
09/19/09 15:29:24 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› if the polarity of Oahspe is mixed, I cannot remember seeing it, and I have read the whole book. More
09/19/09 15:30:34 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Those of negative polarity have a separate Council, which has often been called The Orion Confederation, and they take care of nurturing STS types trying to make graduation now. Does this answer your question,Monica?
09/19/09 15:30:58 ‹Bring4th_Monica› partially, yes. Follow-up on what you said about dogma: Some members were confused as to how the Council could approve something that was blatantly FALSE (ie saying reincarnation is false, would be false) as that would be promoting lies. This gets into the 'is there such a thing as absolute truth' question.
09/19/09 15:31:27 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› OK, Monica, typing on that -
09/19/09 15:31:54 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I have found that in any spiritual inquiry we immediately run into mysteries and paradoxes. oahspe is one of these areas. More
09/19/09 15:32:23 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I think, personally, that the reason Oahspe was OK'd is that it is a history of the heaven worlds, written by angels. More
09/19/09 15:33:09 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› If it carries lots of seeming utter falsity, it still carries lots of love and a concept of the univderse that has real power for some who are trying to get "outside the box" of thinking that Earth is all there is. More
09/19/09 15:35:37 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› A few examples still remain - at the mountaintop when Jesus is transfigured and Moses and Elijah appear, for instance some of the disciples think maybe jesus is a reincarnation of either Elijah or John the Baptist - in itself silly, since Joh n the Ba[ptist lived when jesus died. More,
09/19/09 15:36:11 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Anyway, my point is, should we throw out the Bible and its new testament teaching especially because they were wrong about reincarnation? More
09/19/09 15:36:36 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› oops, that's jesus did, not Jesus died! LOL-
09/19/09 15:37:30 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› The vibration of a book and its polarity depend far more on the intention with which the book was written and its basic energy than upon various facts being straight. Why? We're back into mystery - More
09/19/09 15:38:32 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› But I would guess that since our third density is about love, not about facts, that any book which helps us to find ways to love the Creator, ourselvs and each other is going to get the OK from the Council. Is there a follow-up, Monica, or anotehr question? (l)/(i)
09/19/09 15:38:57 ‹Bring4th_Monica› One of our members who read Oahspe said it explicitly said "reincarnation is a false doctrine" so that would indicate to me that the Council might approve something based on its NET potential for raising polarity, despite it having a few flaws...or maybe the flaws help in the long run, to give people room to question & choose (more)
09/19/09 15:39:19 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Typing on that, Monica -
09/19/09 15:40:21 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I do not think the flaws help in the long run - but I think you were right the first time, that the goodness of a certain book would be judged on its net ability to function as inspiration for seekers, to get them over some aprticular place in their road where they are stuck. More
09/19/09 15:40:36 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I realized this for the first time on an airplane ride. More
09/19/09 15:41:05 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I was reading a certain book. I put it down after a while, thinking, "Boy, what air-filled, marshmallow fluff." More
09/19/09 15:41:33 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› And the lady next to me leaned over and said, "Oh, I see you are reading [name of book]! More
09/19/09 15:42:01 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› She continued, "I just love that book. it has really helped me see things in a whole new way! Isn't it wonderful?" More
09/19/09 15:42:36 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› What could i say? For her, that book hit the spot. So I told her my truth, but gently, and acknowledged her truth. (l)/(i)
09/19/09 15:42:42 ‹Bring4th_Monica› Ha, I love it! So true! Thank you. Would it be ok if I posted your comments on this question to that discussion on the forum?
09/19/09 15:43:31 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Surely, post them, Monica! Absolutely. Perhaps it will help the discussion!
15:21:44 ‹Bring4th_Monica› Carla, I have a question: There is a discussion on the forum about the Oahspe book, which Ra said was 'approved by Council.' Some members were wondering how it could have been approved, when some of its info seems to directly contradict the Law of One teachings. For example, it says reincarnation if false. more
09/19/09 15:22:16 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, if another question comes in, just break in. I'll keep talking a bit about asking for help.
09/19/09 15:22:35 ‹Bring4th_Monica› So we were wondering what criteria the Council uses to 'approve' something. Does it have to meet a criteria of % undistorted or somethig like that? I have a 2nd part to this question also.
09/19/09 15:22:44 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Oh, hang on - Typing on Oahspe, Monica -
09/19/09 15:23:13 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, Oahspe was written by spirit in the late nineteenth century, when typewriters had just been invented. More
09/19/09 15:23:41 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› it has a very lovely vibration, for those of you who have handled the book or read it, you know what I mean. More
09/19/09 15:24:16 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I think that the fact that it was approved by the Council of Saturn does not mean that it hews to some kind of dogma. More
09/19/09 15:25:15 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› This is an important point. The Confederation philosophy does not intend to be dogmatic. More
09/19/09 15:25:58 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› it does not intend to set up a right/wrong situation where anything that disagrees with its tenets is rejected. More
09/19/09 15:27:08 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› it is possible to have a difference of opinion on reincarnation, for example, without disturbing the book's basic vibration or possible use as a spiritual resource by seekers. I have no idea why this book was accepted and would just guess that it is the lovely, angelic vibration of the work. (l)/(i)
09/19/09 15:27:23 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, do you ahve a follow-up, or another question?
09/19/09 15:27:34 ‹Bring4th_Monica› yes
09/19/09 15:27:48 ‹Bring4th_Monica› Here's the 2nd part of that question: In an effort to make some sense of how Oahspe might have been approved, I speculated that maybe mixed-polarity stuff (assuming Oashspe is mixed, which I don't really know, but just supposing) might be approved for use by those who are still undecided about polarity...or maybe even (more)
09/19/09 15:28:02 ‹Bring4th_Monica› for use by those choosing STS. Which brought up the question: Since the Council is made up of 4D, 5D & 6D SMC's & past mid 6D there is no longer polarity, could it be possible that maybe the late 6D PORTION of the Council might serve STS entities as well as STO? as in, answer their call as well?
09/19/09 15:28:08 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, typing on that -
09/19/09 15:29:01 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Monica, I do not think that the Confedertion's association with us is in any way mixed. They intend to be a resource strictly for STO entities reaching for positive Harvest at this time. More
09/19/09 15:29:24 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› if the polarity of Oahspe is mixed, I cannot remember seeing it, and I have read the whole book. More
09/19/09 15:30:34 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Those of negative polarity have a separate Council, which has often been called The Orion Confederation, and they take care of nurturing STS types trying to make graduation now. Does this answer your question,Monica?
09/19/09 15:30:58 ‹Bring4th_Monica› partially, yes. Follow-up on what you said about dogma: Some members were confused as to how the Council could approve something that was blatantly FALSE (ie saying reincarnation is false, would be false) as that would be promoting lies. This gets into the 'is there such a thing as absolute truth' question.
09/19/09 15:31:27 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› OK, Monica, typing on that -
09/19/09 15:31:54 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I have found that in any spiritual inquiry we immediately run into mysteries and paradoxes. oahspe is one of these areas. More
09/19/09 15:32:23 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I think, personally, that the reason Oahspe was OK'd is that it is a history of the heaven worlds, written by angels. More
09/19/09 15:33:09 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› If it carries lots of seeming utter falsity, it still carries lots of love and a concept of the univderse that has real power for some who are trying to get "outside the box" of thinking that Earth is all there is. More
09/19/09 15:35:37 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› A few examples still remain - at the mountaintop when Jesus is transfigured and Moses and Elijah appear, for instance some of the disciples think maybe jesus is a reincarnation of either Elijah or John the Baptist - in itself silly, since Joh n the Ba[ptist lived when jesus died. More,
09/19/09 15:36:11 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Anyway, my point is, should we throw out the Bible and its new testament teaching especially because they were wrong about reincarnation? More
09/19/09 15:36:36 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› oops, that's jesus did, not Jesus died! LOL-
09/19/09 15:37:30 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› The vibration of a book and its polarity depend far more on the intention with which the book was written and its basic energy than upon various facts being straight. Why? We're back into mystery - More
09/19/09 15:38:32 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› But I would guess that since our third density is about love, not about facts, that any book which helps us to find ways to love the Creator, ourselvs and each other is going to get the OK from the Council. Is there a follow-up, Monica, or anotehr question? (l)/(i)
09/19/09 15:38:57 ‹Bring4th_Monica› One of our members who read Oahspe said it explicitly said "reincarnation is a false doctrine" so that would indicate to me that the Council might approve something based on its NET potential for raising polarity, despite it having a few flaws...or maybe the flaws help in the long run, to give people room to question & choose (more)
09/19/09 15:39:19 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Typing on that, Monica -
09/19/09 15:40:21 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I do not think the flaws help in the long run - but I think you were right the first time, that the goodness of a certain book would be judged on its net ability to function as inspiration for seekers, to get them over some aprticular place in their road where they are stuck. More
09/19/09 15:40:36 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I realized this for the first time on an airplane ride. More
09/19/09 15:41:05 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› I was reading a certain book. I put it down after a while, thinking, "Boy, what air-filled, marshmallow fluff." More
09/19/09 15:41:33 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› And the lady next to me leaned over and said, "Oh, I see you are reading [name of book]! More
09/19/09 15:42:01 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› She continued, "I just love that book. it has really helped me see things in a whole new way! Isn't it wonderful?" More
09/19/09 15:42:36 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› What could i say? For her, that book hit the spot. So I told her my truth, but gently, and acknowledged her truth. (l)/(i)
09/19/09 15:42:42 ‹Bring4th_Monica› Ha, I love it! So true! Thank you. Would it be ok if I posted your comments on this question to that discussion on the forum?
09/19/09 15:43:31 ‹Bring4th_CarlaLisbeth› Surely, post them, Monica! Absolutely. Perhaps it will help the discussion!