09-17-2011, 08:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2011, 08:36 AM by David Junior.)
(08-10-2011, 12:05 PM)godwide_void Wrote: As is well known to all of us there exists in place the necessary veil which - causing us to forget that we are all individuated aspects of one grand Creator - allows the mechanisms of Free Will to function by giving us a purity of experience for our life experiences so that we may ultimately learn and polarize on the path towards penultimate unity. Were there no veil in place the game would be far too easy for everyone, and there would ultimately be no propensity for mistakes (learning opportunities) and our own choosings.I believe that you will look forward to 40,000 years off peering through the 4th density veil with all its doors to wonder,Obviously the 5th curtain will be explored dueing this time/space as well.I hope you enjoy your 4th density experiance,Positive and negative,Remember the negative or dark forces are just sent to test you.Im not referring to black witch craft either.
Now, when one speaks of "piercing the veil" what does it truly mean? I mean, if you consider simply knowing that we are all Creator and various other facets of the LOO and existence then one could say that every single person who frequents this forum and reads through the Law of One has pierced the veil just from reading this information source beingness! But this is not the case, as I'm sure that there are many (including myself) who, while being keenly aware of the Law of One, can sometimes stray. So if just knowing it isn't piercing the veil fully, then what is?
I think I might have pierced the veil personally; I say this because somehow I am able to know exactly WHY every experience I have from now on occurs, and I can gather the exact lesson I am trying to be shown, and I also am 95% certain that I know full well WHY I incarnated here and my mission (which day by day I am doing what I can to work towards). I also feel I am very in tune with the Universe... for example, by simply willing or desiring a small breeze on a particularly hot day I am given the breeze in that instant, I never have to wait for the traffic lights to change anymore when I cross the street, trains and buses will come the instant I get there, etc. Just small things that are little signs that are telling me "you indeed do exert influence over your own dream of life".
Day by day it feels like more and more data and understanding is downloaded into my head as I am coming more to terms with what is meant by truly seeing yourself and all other selves as "Creator". I don't know, what are all of your opinions?![]()
(08-19-2011, 12:28 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:From David Junior,I have experianced angels in differant octaves off the 5th and 4th densitys.Some people who experiance help and giuldance othen mix up Angels with Family and freinds.Not all giudes are Angels,Even though they can be angelic.Its userly Family and freinds making contact untill,Family and freinds off the Earth bound spirit make a call to one off the 1033 white houses,Asking for help and advise.(08-18-2011, 08:04 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Look, Q'uo is the 'transpersonal Carla' (higher vibrational) with basically the same personality and 3D limitations, the same 3D growth of understanding and reliance on new personal and cultural information to provide answers.
Q'uo Wrote:I am Q’uo. I am two social memory complexes, the one you know of as Ra, and the one you know of as Latwii.
We have combined because this instrument[1] constantly asks for the highest and best contact it may stably carry. The energies of the one known as Ra, which is a social memory complex of sixth density, is an energy band narrow enough that it requires the locking in, and therefore the unconscious state, of the mind of the channel. The entities of Ra were appalled to see the toll it took upon this instrument to bring forth that which it did channel. It was not expected that there would be so much interest from what this instrument calls the loyal opposition.
When our energies are stepped down to those of Latwii, an energy this instrument feels most comfortable with, we are able to offer concepts that are to some degree more precise, and may we say, perhaps more interesting to the advanced student of metaphysics, than that which is called Latwii would be by the self, for Latwii is of the fifth density, the density of wisdom, and as you can feel, our vibrations are the vibrations not only of unconditional wisdom, but compassion as well.
Thus, we are composite, and as this instrument has often suspected, our name is a pun, a quibble; not a joke, but merely an identification which was clear. We are the I AM, and you too are the I AM, and all that is in creation is the I AM. We chose a language this instrument knew, and used the word meaning “who,” or “which.” It was designed to make the instrument ponder this very point, and we are delighted (in the) results so far, for we of Latwii have been able, with the help of our teachers, those of Ra, to offer information in a way which is clearer and more compassionate, perhaps, than we of Latwii, in and of our own social memory complex, could accomplish. We find that our senses of humor are not at all the same, and so we have attempted to give up our sense of humor, that the higher sense of humor or wisdom informed by compassion may do its subtle work in these meditations.
I like where it says that "The entities of Ra were appalled [to fill with horror; shock or dismay. Literally, to become pale] to see the toll it took upon this instrument to bring forth that which it did channel." Appalled. Interesting choice of words. This also underscores the idea that Ra makes (has been making, still does make) mistakes. So, being 6D does not preclude one from getting caught up in unforeseen consequences. Of course, Ra themselves never proclaim to be more than "humble messengers".
Getting back to angels, Q'uo also says that, for the most part, angels do not incarnate in physical bodies. According to my understanding, this gives humans the "one up" in the situation. Angels are just disembodied entities with no potential for growth or evolution.
So what does this mean for the human entity that is continuing to grow and evolve? I think it means that angels (and demons) become increasingly viewed as a projection of the subconscious. Angels are like "training wheels" and meant to be discarded once a human being can control their vehicle without external assistance. To keep the training wheels on the vehicle would only serve to slow it down and limit its navigational ability.
There is nothing "wrong" with training wheels, yet it still looks absurd for a grown adult to be using them when they are no longer necessary. Then, to start naming one's training wheels, having regular conversations with them, and refusing to make a choice until consulting one's training wheels... well I guess that's good for a belly laugh but I am not sure what the purpose would be.
According to my read of that Q'uo session on angels, they are nothing more than transformers stepping down love and light energy at every possible level of existence, in order to maintain balance while other entities choose to live under the veil.
Thus, penetrating through the veil entails seeing angels (and demons) for who they really are. This is where things get interesting.
Now it would appear to me, that there are two general directions to go from here: STO and STS.
Taking an STO attitude toward angels requires asking oneself "How can I be of service to the angels?"
Taking an STS attitude toward angels requires asking oneself "How can the angels be of service to me?"
I think I will just pause there to get some feedback before proceeding...
What I know off when crossing into the 5th density,The time it takes to get used to getting your breath back,Is known for some as letting your wings dry.As far as discussion go's with Father Our lord,There are only 1033 Angels off the highest order.
Good luck with your awakening by the way