(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: And this word substitution is being very unambiguously connected to a psychic attack.
Do you think the pain flares were caused by psychic attack? If so, why do you think so? I think they're just a function of Carla's seriously distored bodily complex.
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Ra: I am Ra. We are unable to answer this query without intervening material.
It would appear that, at least by this point in the contact, Ra had some foreknowledge of what was going to be queried in the future.
That's not how I read it. Intervening material just means Ra didn't want to answer a question about 3 without having spoken about 2 first.
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: The next question addresses somewhat the issues of distraction and leaving the circle:
80.2 Wrote:Questioner: I had to leave the room for a forgotten item after we performed the banishing ritual. Did this have a deleterious effect on the ritual or the working?
Ra: I am Ra. Were it the only working the lapse would have been critical. There is enough residual energy of a protective nature in this place of working that this lapse, though quite unrecommended, does not represent a threat to the protection which the ritual of which you spoke offers.
Ra is saying the residual effects made up for the lapse, but that it would have been critical had it been the only working. So what does this say about Session One?!
What do you think it says about session one?
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Then... they are talking about the kidneys again!
Quote:Questioner: The instrument would like for me to ask if there is any problem with her kidneys?
Ra: I am Ra. This query is more complex than its brevity certifies. The physical complex renal system of this instrument is much damaged. The time/space equivalent which rules the body complex is without flaw. There was a serious question, due to psychic attack, as to whether the spiritual healing of this system would endure. It did so but has the need to be re-enforced by affirmation of the ascendancy of the spiritual over the apparent or visible.
Again, linking the kidneys to a psychic attack.
This is referring to the attack during session 62, when the negative entity took advantage of a poorly-walked circle to attempt to de-link Carla's space/time kidneys from her time/space kidneys.
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: The attack occurs, despite the alignments being fastidious. This also causes me to question... if Ra can just so easily come back and make a correction... what would be the point of an entity attempting to garble the words?
I don't think you've established that the point of the attacks was to garble the words. As I understand it, the garbling was caused by pain flares, which were caused by Carla's much-distorted physical body. The point of the attacks was to, if possible, kidnap Carla's soul or else to end the contact by killing Carla.
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Next... a major difference in the question about the gesture in the banishing ritual that I referred to earlier:
original Wrote:Questioner: We have been ending our banishing ritual prior to the session by a gesture that relieves us of the magical personality. I was just wondering if we should maintain this personality and omit that gesture while we are walking the Circle of One and then relinquish the magical personality only after the circle is formed or after the session? Which would be more appropriate?relistened Wrote:Questioner: We have been ending our banishing ritual prior to the session here by a gesture that relieves us of the magical personality. I was just wondering if we should maintain this-- omit that gesture so as to maintain the magical personality while performing the Circle of One and then only relinquish the magical personality either after that is formed or after the session? Which would be more appropriate?
There's no practical difference in these questions that I can see. Don was asking whether or not to maintain the magical personality while walking the circle of one.
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Next... another correction... right before Ra is noting a flare! Somehow, "veiling" got substituted for "first distortion":
original Wrote:Questioner: The archetypical mind of the Logos prior to this experiment in veiling was what I would consider to be less complex than it is now, possibly containing fewer archetypes. Is this correct?relistened Wrote:Questioner: The archetypical mind of the Logos prior to this experiment in extension of the first distorion then was what I would consider to be less complex than it is now, possibly containing fewer archetypes. Is this correct?
Again, no difference in meaning. Veiling = extension of the first distortion.
(09-10-2011, 09:58 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:original Wrote:Could you expand even more upon the Matrix of the Mind, the Potentiator of the Mind, and the Significator of the Mind, how they differ, and what their relationships are, please?relistened Wrote:Could you expand even more upon the Matrix of the Mind, the Potentiator, and the Significator, how they differ, and what their relationships are, please?
NOW it makes sense why Ra started talking about the Matrix of the Body and the Matrix of the Spirit. Because Don did not actually specify "of the Mind" for all three as in the original version. This is yet again where my mind got stuck here and discombobulated.
I notice that this "of the Mind" error continues on in the session. I think perhaps somebody was trying to add that for clarity... but it actually resulted in confusion in my case.
This is the kind of little and yet big change that has made the relistening project worth doing. (I hope!)
Re: solar flares, etc. Is your idea that they are somehow related to the psychic attacks on Carla, Don, and Jim?
(09-11-2011, 01:33 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Yes. Actually, I was wondering about the exact date when the decision was made to publish the material. This, of course, also being unimportant information which nevertheless interests me.
Another question that you'll need to contact L/L for. In fact, given the depth of curiosity (and, it seems, reservations) about how the material was produced, you might consider traveling to Louisville to meet Carla, Jim, Gary, and Melissa. It might reassure you to meet them in person. However, Carla is not well at the moment, so it would be better to wait until she's better.