I was thinking of starting a thread on a similar topic but I will include it here instead:
This thread, for myself, perfectly captures the interplay that is troubling me so much right now. On one hand, I can understand all of us who want to define harvest as a tipping point, not as a tipping point, a social evolution, a spiritual shift, etc. All of these ideas are fine and well. My issue is with the overriding sentiments of many here. I feel Raman touched on it very well in the original post:
"So here we are many not getting to the minimum excited about the prospect of an harvest (final harvest) after what is going on in the world."
In lurking through the forums the last few weeks, I feel very little hope from the community regarding harvest. Like Raman has stated, I see many shuffling the deck chairs allowing themselves for a soft fall should we see no difference in the world post-2012.
"Oh, it was just all figurative anyways, that harvest talk. It really has to do with our INNER peace, not world peace! Once we figure out inner peace, the rest will follow, right?!?"
I am here to argue against this line of thought because it bleeds hope. We have to make a decision, or maybe more aptly, a choice (shout out to Carla!). Are we going to put our energies into the creation of a 4D world or the continuation of our old? This is where, once again, I feel we are all right. Those who feel harvest is directed by our own individual actions and intentions are right because that is exactly how it works; however, by not seeing the possibility of the 4D world coming into balance in a short time, there is no positive intention going into the idea. By creating our escape routes, we take away from the intention of what we ask for. What are each of us asking for in regards to harvest? Where are we lending our intentions?
I hope I am way off base here. I see a lot of posturing, definition, and debate. These are all good things. That being said, I am also seeing far too much 3D-based empirical thinking, in my opinion. The reason harvest makes so little sense to so many of us is that it is rooted in the start of 4D - not 3D. In this way, it will never make sense to us. It will never follow the rules of our logic or intellect. This is something to rejoice, not condemn.
If a new world is coming, we must accept it will not be like our old world. This also means letting go of the thought process in which we base our prudence now; I invite you all to lose yourself in optimism and hope. I don't know if I'll be right about my own thoughts on the harvest, but I do know that I am putting my entire being into intending it for the rest of us. The more I have tried to debate and define the harvest, the more I realize that it is futile with my 3D understanding. All of my doubts and hedges against the harvest are rooted in 3D deficiencies. I don't know what 4D entails (unless i'm 5D+ wanderer I suppose...) nor do I know what an energetic and social shift would feel or look like...
This is why I have learnt to let go and purely hope. The best part is this: if I am wrong, I am in the same spot as the rest. I see no downside to the risk. if 4D resides within myself, I'll find it after i'm sure I am not hiding it from anyone else.
This thread, for myself, perfectly captures the interplay that is troubling me so much right now. On one hand, I can understand all of us who want to define harvest as a tipping point, not as a tipping point, a social evolution, a spiritual shift, etc. All of these ideas are fine and well. My issue is with the overriding sentiments of many here. I feel Raman touched on it very well in the original post:
"So here we are many not getting to the minimum excited about the prospect of an harvest (final harvest) after what is going on in the world."
In lurking through the forums the last few weeks, I feel very little hope from the community regarding harvest. Like Raman has stated, I see many shuffling the deck chairs allowing themselves for a soft fall should we see no difference in the world post-2012.
"Oh, it was just all figurative anyways, that harvest talk. It really has to do with our INNER peace, not world peace! Once we figure out inner peace, the rest will follow, right?!?"
I am here to argue against this line of thought because it bleeds hope. We have to make a decision, or maybe more aptly, a choice (shout out to Carla!). Are we going to put our energies into the creation of a 4D world or the continuation of our old? This is where, once again, I feel we are all right. Those who feel harvest is directed by our own individual actions and intentions are right because that is exactly how it works; however, by not seeing the possibility of the 4D world coming into balance in a short time, there is no positive intention going into the idea. By creating our escape routes, we take away from the intention of what we ask for. What are each of us asking for in regards to harvest? Where are we lending our intentions?
I hope I am way off base here. I see a lot of posturing, definition, and debate. These are all good things. That being said, I am also seeing far too much 3D-based empirical thinking, in my opinion. The reason harvest makes so little sense to so many of us is that it is rooted in the start of 4D - not 3D. In this way, it will never make sense to us. It will never follow the rules of our logic or intellect. This is something to rejoice, not condemn.
If a new world is coming, we must accept it will not be like our old world. This also means letting go of the thought process in which we base our prudence now; I invite you all to lose yourself in optimism and hope. I don't know if I'll be right about my own thoughts on the harvest, but I do know that I am putting my entire being into intending it for the rest of us. The more I have tried to debate and define the harvest, the more I realize that it is futile with my 3D understanding. All of my doubts and hedges against the harvest are rooted in 3D deficiencies. I don't know what 4D entails (unless i'm 5D+ wanderer I suppose...) nor do I know what an energetic and social shift would feel or look like...
This is why I have learnt to let go and purely hope. The best part is this: if I am wrong, I am in the same spot as the rest. I see no downside to the risk. if 4D resides within myself, I'll find it after i'm sure I am not hiding it from anyone else.