09-07-2011, 11:28 AM
(09-06-2011, 07:39 PM)unity100 Wrote:Got it all figured out then, Unity? How the whole thing works, how it was planned even...down to the very way we should all feel and think?(09-06-2011, 03:47 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Very astute points. I was just thinking today that, how would entities suddenly go from this messed-up 3D reality to a 4D reality that is all peachy? As Edgar Cayce said, "You don't go to Heaven; you grow to Heaven!" It makes more sense that the 3D entities would need to learn how to live in 4D.
noone will 'go' to heaven. noone will go from suddenly messed up 3d reality to a 4d reality.
the entities which need 3d reality, will go to other 3d realities to get 3d lessons. they wont 'grow' in just a decade or 100 years, regardless of what anyone does. that goes against the nature of spirit. if things were that easy, there would be no densities spanning billions of years.
and those who have actually grown to 4d, do not have to relive the stages and lessons of 3d. because, they graduated from them. they are here, for doing exactly what their level requires - living lessons and pleasures of 4d. its as simple as that.
noone has to come from millions of lightyears away in order to go through 4d, only to end up reliving the lessons of 3d which they already graduated from. and no - going through the problems and crap of 3d with 3d entities, is not among the lessons of 4d. if it was, 4d would be named '3d', not '4d'.
so, 3d entities need 3d, 4d entities need 4d, this planet is as of now a 4d planet in vibration, and 3d vibrations cease this year or a few years time.
there is nothing 'salvation' or 'pity' or 'unfortunate' or anything else in that - this is how this octave was planned, this is how it will work. not unlike how you have taken in and given out a few breaths while reading this sentence.