09-06-2011, 11:44 AM
it is indeed funny how people talk about an instant harvest as a 'doom and gloom' scenario, when 1 billion are hungry, an entire population of 100 million people are irradiated in japan (and radiation going around), people are slavering their lives away, even starting life with debt on their back and so on.
it indeed seems that if the circumstances are appealing to some people, and their families and close ones, they think that things are good. and desire for the continuation of this situation undisturbed, and getting only better. this seems so strong a desire that, it can cause selective refusal of the information they trust, and extreme hypocrisy.
actually this is not uncommon and unseen. it is the general practice of orange consciousness on this planet. self-involvement, self-interest of the childish kind.
'taking responsibility' is a funny concept in that respect. take responsibility of what ? stuff that OTHER people need to live, to complete their 3d ? you cant live others' lives for them. that means, they will live out what they need to live out. this may be war, this may be discrimination, this may be discriminating, this can be any of the stuff they have missing from 3d lessons. and if they live those here, you will get caught up in its wind.
this is why they have to go to a 3d planet, where all of the population lives these lessons. even more so, when the planet is ceasing 3d vibrations to provide for these lessons.
any positively oriented individual wouldnt be able to stomach 1 billion people going hungry every year they stand on this planet. 'we need to change that' -> this is an extremely naive, and spiritually uninformed wishful thinking ; the only way you can change that, would be to change the people on this planet and raise their vibratory and progress level. which is something you can not do, as per the above principles. they are souls with their own sovereignty and they will live out their 3d experiences -> noone is going to barge in and 'educate' them or 'raise their vibrations' or do anything else with pyramids and provide them for skipping 3d lessons. therefore, as long as the 3d entities stay on this planet, the 3d problems will stay. these are problems from our perspective, lessons from their perspective.
it indeed seems that if the circumstances are appealing to some people, and their families and close ones, they think that things are good. and desire for the continuation of this situation undisturbed, and getting only better. this seems so strong a desire that, it can cause selective refusal of the information they trust, and extreme hypocrisy.
actually this is not uncommon and unseen. it is the general practice of orange consciousness on this planet. self-involvement, self-interest of the childish kind.
'taking responsibility' is a funny concept in that respect. take responsibility of what ? stuff that OTHER people need to live, to complete their 3d ? you cant live others' lives for them. that means, they will live out what they need to live out. this may be war, this may be discrimination, this may be discriminating, this can be any of the stuff they have missing from 3d lessons. and if they live those here, you will get caught up in its wind.
this is why they have to go to a 3d planet, where all of the population lives these lessons. even more so, when the planet is ceasing 3d vibrations to provide for these lessons.
any positively oriented individual wouldnt be able to stomach 1 billion people going hungry every year they stand on this planet. 'we need to change that' -> this is an extremely naive, and spiritually uninformed wishful thinking ; the only way you can change that, would be to change the people on this planet and raise their vibratory and progress level. which is something you can not do, as per the above principles. they are souls with their own sovereignty and they will live out their 3d experiences -> noone is going to barge in and 'educate' them or 'raise their vibrations' or do anything else with pyramids and provide them for skipping 3d lessons. therefore, as long as the 3d entities stay on this planet, the 3d problems will stay. these are problems from our perspective, lessons from their perspective.