09-02-2011, 05:07 AM
(09-02-2011, 12:09 AM)Icaro Wrote: I would agree with that, how everything is symbolic and metaphor. All of creation is symbolic, and it's what I'm interested in focusing on at this point. The adept works within symbolic understanding, so it seems that all learning leads up to that point.
Explain further. Do you not believe that you will transition to another density? I think I've once seen you say something to the effect that the material is basically channeled archetypal understanding, as if Carla tapped the 'universe' and not Ra?
11:11 = 22
Sumerian creation, Bible creation, Chinese mythology, Greek mythology, astrology, freemasonry, male/fmale principles plus sex, two pillars with invisible arch, 3s with 7s, 22 archetypes, 22 Hebrew letters, 7 chakras, 7 colors of light, 3 fathe son spirit, 3 mind body spirit, 3 undertanding wisdom crown, math of a circle, golden ratio, morals, ethics, governing methodolgy, farming, parenting, academia, death, invisible somethingness, dreams, hypnosis, therapy, psychiatry.
On and on and on, we create and recreate the same thing over and over. IMO, (and I can't express myself withOut falling prey to the 3x7s), we are the energy expression that we are. The expressions of this solar system will change inevitably. A new expression will emerge. Our idea of "entity" is part of our current expression; it only means something from our perspective- a perspective that only exists because we happen to be a form of energy that happens to express itself in this way. We see shapes in clouds (representative analogy) that reflect nature because it is logical that the expression of this area of outer space applies the same "math" of form expression.
Sidebar: the only way "this" is an illusion is when we mate ourselves with the spirit. If we are physically focused, then spirit is perceived as illusion. When we take the leap of deep contemplation, and associate our surroundings with a spirit minded perspective then the physical becomes the "illusion". It is simply an exercise of the mind. It is simply enjoyment. "to each his own". There isn't anything special or advanced about being spiritually minded. Those that are simply got bored and decided to go "treasure hunting". Awareness and awakening aren't achievments, they are just expressions that believe themselves to be achievments. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I hope that I have beaten you down with examples of how everything is symmetrical in the universe we are privy to see. The idea of maintaining cognition and moving on intact is a mere expression of the m/b/s we just so happen to be. This planet will become something different one day, and who knows what sort of expressions will emerge.
(this only reinforces, in my mind, that extra terrestrials exist out there. I think most of what we interpret about that is of our own making, but I don't rule out the idea that some have been here at some point)
As for unity100's list to apply the same approach. I can do it. I really can. But he won't "hear" it. That's a fact. Please don't antagonize him any further. I'm pleading with everyone here. Please. Pretty please.