08-16-2011, 04:54 PM
ARGH, I lost my post...
Anyways, this discussion is very muddle with dualistic terminology.
To start, the veil is an aspect of STATE, it has nothing to do with any place. The existence of the veil in no way suggests that we have ever been anywhere other than exactly where we are. It only has to do with the perception of our reality. Also on that note, I would thoroughly state the opposite 3D, in that reality is in fact an abstraction of belief systems. (I would highly recommend The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book by Jane Roberts for this discussion.)
The veil was also the amplification of the service-to-self path, or rather that beginning of the dominance of darkness.
The veil APPEARS to be "conditional", but it is in fact a CATALYST. That is all it is. All catalyst is useful, and thus helpful. Transcending the veil and discussing the veil are in fact nearly the same thing, as through the discussion of something you illuminate its many facets. You cannot transcend anything without first knowing what it is you are intending to transcend, but there is no point in discussion without the goal of transcendence.
The idea that there is "sameness of experience" before and after the veil is in fact quite nonsensical. There is no "other place" with no veil. Where we were before the veil is no different than where we are with the veil. Also, after the veil we will continue to be in the same place. Also, experience is MORE than simply the state of perception through which it is experienced. In this case experiences 'prior to the veil', 'under the veil' and 'having consciously lifted the veil' are all in fact still as completely unique and individual as any other experience.
The suggestion that we once "had it all" and are now simply returning to that state is nothing more than a cyclic conception of linear time. Really consider our place in time and that relationship with our concept of memory of time. It's not simply a matter of being "veiled" and "unveiled" but rather the interaction within the entity of the knowledge of these two states.
One of the issues I see here is the judgmental perception of "better" and "worse", or the idea that there one state is more enjoyable or meaningful than another. This is a gross misconception and it should never be consider that either veiled or unveiled experience is in any way "easier", "more expansive" or some such thing. Both offer their own type of experience.
We can also begin to see a deeper uniqueness of experience when we also consider that each and every life exists in its own time-state. The experiences in the 1800's under the veil are not the same as our current experiences under the veil. Just as the experience without the veil, however long ago, will most certainly not be replicated by a lifting or penetration of the veil in a modern time-state.
The question shouldn't just be "Why did I come here?", it should be extended to be "Why did I come here at this exact point in time?" It's not just a matter of being veiled and striving for an unveiled state, but a matter of doing a particular type of work. Some who come here have no desire nor even a need to penetrate the veil since they have planned for themselves a "veiled" existence through which they basically add a new facet of experience to their total experiential accumulation. You can think of the self as being a rough gem and which each life you polish, shape and add facets of perception until it becomes a fine, clear jewel. In the nature of the alchemist we also work to cure fractures.
It must never be forgotten THAT EVERY EXISTENCE IS UNIQUE. Your higher self and your past selves ARE THEIR OWN SELVES. They are not "you", only you are you. They are only memetic connections by which you supply yourself with the necessary state and perception of self to fulfill the plan you set out for yourself prior to incarnation. In truth, this is the first time ANY of you have ever existed, myself included. A birth is not just a "limitation of the total self", it is also a reproduction of the self, it is a NEW self which is beginning its journey. You will not "end up" as your higher self, nor are you tied to any such linear "chain of lives" through the manner of the past, unless you so choose.
This clearly shows that "each entity" is in fact NOT simply a "lesser" version of the Higher Self, but is in fact its own completely unique being.
The Choice is all-important, it is the only thing that is truly relevant. The veil facilitates a catalyst which increases the vividness of the polarities so that there is more desire to use this Choice.
Here's a good question, if we were never told that the "unveiled" state had ever existed, then what would the veil mean to us then? It is meaningless without a comparison of state. Without the idea that the veil is something that IS temporal then we would no longer realize the full meaning of the Choice in relation to the function of polarity. Without the hope that there is still more ahead of us then how many would ever choose to make the choice to continue through the densities?
"Penetrating the veil" is a choice. You will never reveal to yourself more than you are ready for. What you have to ask yourself, and there is no one else who can answer this for you, is "What did I come here to do?". You must give yourself CONTEXT for your existence.
Now for me, maybe it would be best to give a direct example of my implications, I will attempt to describe my own choice. I, for myself, believe that since the nature of the third density is to make the choice, then there are only two logical purposes: To make your own choice, and to help others make their choice. I do not believe our current state to be a "reduction" from another state. We are an outgrowth, a new formation, not merely a broken off "fragment". Now what does experience in third density represent in the scheme of the total being? The choice betwixt the Dark and the Light. In order to consider this in a full context I must consider all the choices I have made in my life. I must examine those things which I resonate with, those lives and ideas I have chosen to associate with, and the Higher Self I have chosen to conceptualize a potential higher state with.
For me, through my associations, I have developed an intimate understanding of the darkness, often choosing to affiliate with those whom have been the most negative through an attempt to ponder their inner workings. For myself, I have addressed myself to the question: "Why does an entity choose the dark?". Even though I identify myself as having been thoroughly "negative" through much of my existence "prior" to this incarnation, having even walked through the memories of the types such as Vlad the Impaler and Rasputin, this only provides a framework within which I can, in an informed manner, make my choice. As far as I'm concerned, in the grand scheme of things, all the notions of "past self" and "higher self" are more or less moot. What is important is the reflection you make upon these notions. You can just as equally connect yourself with positive or negative past or future selves for the sake of associative learning and to give yourself an idea of the choices that are available to you within your current extent of awareness.
So with that in mind, a question would be, why would someone choose to fill themselves with such darkness? Well, for myself, I have made the choice so that I may learn how to transmute darkness in to light, by revealing that they are unified. That, as I have chosen, is my "purpose" for coming in to this veiled time-state. By nature of association, anything that communicates (whether through thought affiliation or another mechanism) with anything else becomes forever intertwined with that which it communicates. So, because I have chosen to, within myself, per se "house" the essences of darkness I have not only made them a part of myself, but have also made myself a part of them. Which means that I am also now in a position to INFLUENCE all of these darknesses.
So, what are the implications of this? Well imagine a thread which weaves its way through the darkness, touching upon all its major seams. You can imagine my own consciousness to be this thread which I have woven throughout negativity with my associative thoughts. Of course, imagining the veil to be a fabric, by "sewing myself in to the pattern", I thus gain a certain type of "pull", or influence on the overall fabric. Now imagine at the moment this thread is akin to the nature of the darkness, it is a path of darkness through the darkness, intricately interwoven. Next, imagine that suddenly this one thread is suddenly turned to light, it shines a path which is laced throughout the entirety of the darkness. Becoming fragmented, the darkness in its entropy will no longer be able to sustain its dominance and thus will be broken.
Since I we are all the same self, and thus by changing oneself we can thus influence and change all other selves, by creating myself as an amalgamate of these darknesses I have developed for myself an opportunity to illuminate all these darknesses through the illumination of myself. By choosing to change my polarity, by choosing the light, and through my interweaving with the darkness I will thus introduce light in to the darkness. I will reveal the light within each of these darknesses, perhaps a light which they themselves had no longer allowed themselves to see.
In short, from what I have surmised, my entire plan for coming in to the veiled state, AT THIS PARTICULAR POINT IN TIME, which is the time of Harvest, or to me the Grand Harvest, is to dissolve the veil. This is, in fact, part of the movement in to the 4th Density, since the veil is only a function of Third Density space/time. Many of us have come to this time for this purpose. With any change or shift there must be a complete force and manifestation which facilitates it. So in short, my existence in this life has, to me, become an allegory for the transmutation of the dark in to the light. It has become a symbol of my choice of light over darkness. However, on a greater scale, I hope to provide the means through which the usefulness of this choice can be seen by the whole of our planetary sphere.
If you are to think of the darkness within us as the potential for light, by collecting within myself vast amounts of darkness I have in the same move also gained a vast potential for light. Now, imagine that I was to suddenly shift the entire focus of that darkness in to light. The change within myself will cause ripples which will echo across the whole of the darkness, since I have permeated it with myself.
The time is coming soon for the dark to be revealed as light. The catalyst of the veil is reaching the end of its usefulness for this planet. It has provided more than enough catalyst for each and every individual to be able to make use of to make their choice. The pendulum has reached its peak and now the necessary counter-force is turning it the other way. I believe myself to be part of this counter-force.
Thus have I discovered the meaning and purpose of supposedly "sacrificing" my "higher" state to come in to this one. It is not a condition, nor a limitation, it is an HONOUR, a beautiful opportunity to serve the Creator in a unique and purposeful manner. I in no way regret my choice to come here, and I strongly believe that those who do regret such a thing do so out of lack of context of individual purpose. However, this purpose is something you must choose for yourself. If you want to choose for there to be no purpose, for life to be a "condition", for being human to be a "condition" or a "limitation", then you are crafting for yourself your own destiny. No one chooses our fate but us. This is the density of choice, and so it is here that you must choose your fate. Forget about past and future, veiled or unveiled, all that is important is the choice of the moment in light of the choices of other moments.
Will you choose to continue your desires for control through frustration, anger and unacceptance, or will you choose to see your own choice to come here as a beautiful gift which you accept graciously, and thus be free? The choice, as always, is yours.
I am forever your Guardian and illuminator of the internal light of shadow, here to accept and willfully transmute the darkness which clouds the perception of the light. I hope for you all to see the brilliance of the light within each as I have seen it, deepest blessings from Creator to Creator, love and light, adonai.
Anyways, this discussion is very muddle with dualistic terminology.
To start, the veil is an aspect of STATE, it has nothing to do with any place. The existence of the veil in no way suggests that we have ever been anywhere other than exactly where we are. It only has to do with the perception of our reality. Also on that note, I would thoroughly state the opposite 3D, in that reality is in fact an abstraction of belief systems. (I would highly recommend The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book by Jane Roberts for this discussion.)
The veil was also the amplification of the service-to-self path, or rather that beginning of the dominance of darkness.
The veil APPEARS to be "conditional", but it is in fact a CATALYST. That is all it is. All catalyst is useful, and thus helpful. Transcending the veil and discussing the veil are in fact nearly the same thing, as through the discussion of something you illuminate its many facets. You cannot transcend anything without first knowing what it is you are intending to transcend, but there is no point in discussion without the goal of transcendence.
The idea that there is "sameness of experience" before and after the veil is in fact quite nonsensical. There is no "other place" with no veil. Where we were before the veil is no different than where we are with the veil. Also, after the veil we will continue to be in the same place. Also, experience is MORE than simply the state of perception through which it is experienced. In this case experiences 'prior to the veil', 'under the veil' and 'having consciously lifted the veil' are all in fact still as completely unique and individual as any other experience.
The suggestion that we once "had it all" and are now simply returning to that state is nothing more than a cyclic conception of linear time. Really consider our place in time and that relationship with our concept of memory of time. It's not simply a matter of being "veiled" and "unveiled" but rather the interaction within the entity of the knowledge of these two states.
Quote:Let us continue the metaphor of the schooling but consider the scholar as being an entity in your younger years of the schooling process. The entity is fed, clothed, and protected regardless of whether or not the schoolwork is accomplished. Therefore, the entity does not do the homework but rather enjoys playtime, mealtime, and vacation. It is not until there is a reason to wish to excel that most entities will attempt to excel.What does the veil provide for us? The WHY. It is the grounds for deep exploration of the expanses of the self. Simply, we are no longer able to take for granted the intimate connection to the Source, and thus to other-selves. The existence prior to the veil gave motivation for the creation of the veil, which will gives motivation for the lifting of the veil which will thus produce a new state referenced by an "after the veil" concept. Notice the distinction between these three "conditions". They all provide a unique set of experiences.
One of the issues I see here is the judgmental perception of "better" and "worse", or the idea that there one state is more enjoyable or meaningful than another. This is a gross misconception and it should never be consider that either veiled or unveiled experience is in any way "easier", "more expansive" or some such thing. Both offer their own type of experience.
We can also begin to see a deeper uniqueness of experience when we also consider that each and every life exists in its own time-state. The experiences in the 1800's under the veil are not the same as our current experiences under the veil. Just as the experience without the veil, however long ago, will most certainly not be replicated by a lifting or penetration of the veil in a modern time-state.
The question shouldn't just be "Why did I come here?", it should be extended to be "Why did I come here at this exact point in time?" It's not just a matter of being veiled and striving for an unveiled state, but a matter of doing a particular type of work. Some who come here have no desire nor even a need to penetrate the veil since they have planned for themselves a "veiled" existence through which they basically add a new facet of experience to their total experiential accumulation. You can think of the self as being a rough gem and which each life you polish, shape and add facets of perception until it becomes a fine, clear jewel. In the nature of the alchemist we also work to cure fractures.
It must never be forgotten THAT EVERY EXISTENCE IS UNIQUE. Your higher self and your past selves ARE THEIR OWN SELVES. They are not "you", only you are you. They are only memetic connections by which you supply yourself with the necessary state and perception of self to fulfill the plan you set out for yourself prior to incarnation. In truth, this is the first time ANY of you have ever existed, myself included. A birth is not just a "limitation of the total self", it is also a reproduction of the self, it is a NEW self which is beginning its journey. You will not "end up" as your higher self, nor are you tied to any such linear "chain of lives" through the manner of the past, unless you so choose.
Quote:Thus the Higher Self is like the map in which the destination is known; the roads are very well known, these roads being designed by intelligent infinity working through intelligent energy. However, the Higher Self aspect can program only for the lessons and certain predisposing limitations if it wishes. The remainder is completely the free choice of each entity. There is the perfect balance between the known and the unknown.
This clearly shows that "each entity" is in fact NOT simply a "lesser" version of the Higher Self, but is in fact its own completely unique being.
Quote:I am Ra. The third density is a choice.
Quote:The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the illusion and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable. The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice. This also is greatly lengthened, as you would use the term. The choice is, as you put it, the work of a moment but is the axis upon which the creation turns.
The Choice is all-important, it is the only thing that is truly relevant. The veil facilitates a catalyst which increases the vividness of the polarities so that there is more desire to use this Choice.
Here's a good question, if we were never told that the "unveiled" state had ever existed, then what would the veil mean to us then? It is meaningless without a comparison of state. Without the idea that the veil is something that IS temporal then we would no longer realize the full meaning of the Choice in relation to the function of polarity. Without the hope that there is still more ahead of us then how many would ever choose to make the choice to continue through the densities?
"Penetrating the veil" is a choice. You will never reveal to yourself more than you are ready for. What you have to ask yourself, and there is no one else who can answer this for you, is "What did I come here to do?". You must give yourself CONTEXT for your existence.
Now for me, maybe it would be best to give a direct example of my implications, I will attempt to describe my own choice. I, for myself, believe that since the nature of the third density is to make the choice, then there are only two logical purposes: To make your own choice, and to help others make their choice. I do not believe our current state to be a "reduction" from another state. We are an outgrowth, a new formation, not merely a broken off "fragment". Now what does experience in third density represent in the scheme of the total being? The choice betwixt the Dark and the Light. In order to consider this in a full context I must consider all the choices I have made in my life. I must examine those things which I resonate with, those lives and ideas I have chosen to associate with, and the Higher Self I have chosen to conceptualize a potential higher state with.
For me, through my associations, I have developed an intimate understanding of the darkness, often choosing to affiliate with those whom have been the most negative through an attempt to ponder their inner workings. For myself, I have addressed myself to the question: "Why does an entity choose the dark?". Even though I identify myself as having been thoroughly "negative" through much of my existence "prior" to this incarnation, having even walked through the memories of the types such as Vlad the Impaler and Rasputin, this only provides a framework within which I can, in an informed manner, make my choice. As far as I'm concerned, in the grand scheme of things, all the notions of "past self" and "higher self" are more or less moot. What is important is the reflection you make upon these notions. You can just as equally connect yourself with positive or negative past or future selves for the sake of associative learning and to give yourself an idea of the choices that are available to you within your current extent of awareness.
So with that in mind, a question would be, why would someone choose to fill themselves with such darkness? Well, for myself, I have made the choice so that I may learn how to transmute darkness in to light, by revealing that they are unified. That, as I have chosen, is my "purpose" for coming in to this veiled time-state. By nature of association, anything that communicates (whether through thought affiliation or another mechanism) with anything else becomes forever intertwined with that which it communicates. So, because I have chosen to, within myself, per se "house" the essences of darkness I have not only made them a part of myself, but have also made myself a part of them. Which means that I am also now in a position to INFLUENCE all of these darknesses.
So, what are the implications of this? Well imagine a thread which weaves its way through the darkness, touching upon all its major seams. You can imagine my own consciousness to be this thread which I have woven throughout negativity with my associative thoughts. Of course, imagining the veil to be a fabric, by "sewing myself in to the pattern", I thus gain a certain type of "pull", or influence on the overall fabric. Now imagine at the moment this thread is akin to the nature of the darkness, it is a path of darkness through the darkness, intricately interwoven. Next, imagine that suddenly this one thread is suddenly turned to light, it shines a path which is laced throughout the entirety of the darkness. Becoming fragmented, the darkness in its entropy will no longer be able to sustain its dominance and thus will be broken.
Since I we are all the same self, and thus by changing oneself we can thus influence and change all other selves, by creating myself as an amalgamate of these darknesses I have developed for myself an opportunity to illuminate all these darknesses through the illumination of myself. By choosing to change my polarity, by choosing the light, and through my interweaving with the darkness I will thus introduce light in to the darkness. I will reveal the light within each of these darknesses, perhaps a light which they themselves had no longer allowed themselves to see.
In short, from what I have surmised, my entire plan for coming in to the veiled state, AT THIS PARTICULAR POINT IN TIME, which is the time of Harvest, or to me the Grand Harvest, is to dissolve the veil. This is, in fact, part of the movement in to the 4th Density, since the veil is only a function of Third Density space/time. Many of us have come to this time for this purpose. With any change or shift there must be a complete force and manifestation which facilitates it. So in short, my existence in this life has, to me, become an allegory for the transmutation of the dark in to the light. It has become a symbol of my choice of light over darkness. However, on a greater scale, I hope to provide the means through which the usefulness of this choice can be seen by the whole of our planetary sphere.
If you are to think of the darkness within us as the potential for light, by collecting within myself vast amounts of darkness I have in the same move also gained a vast potential for light. Now, imagine that I was to suddenly shift the entire focus of that darkness in to light. The change within myself will cause ripples which will echo across the whole of the darkness, since I have permeated it with myself.
The time is coming soon for the dark to be revealed as light. The catalyst of the veil is reaching the end of its usefulness for this planet. It has provided more than enough catalyst for each and every individual to be able to make use of to make their choice. The pendulum has reached its peak and now the necessary counter-force is turning it the other way. I believe myself to be part of this counter-force.
Thus have I discovered the meaning and purpose of supposedly "sacrificing" my "higher" state to come in to this one. It is not a condition, nor a limitation, it is an HONOUR, a beautiful opportunity to serve the Creator in a unique and purposeful manner. I in no way regret my choice to come here, and I strongly believe that those who do regret such a thing do so out of lack of context of individual purpose. However, this purpose is something you must choose for yourself. If you want to choose for there to be no purpose, for life to be a "condition", for being human to be a "condition" or a "limitation", then you are crafting for yourself your own destiny. No one chooses our fate but us. This is the density of choice, and so it is here that you must choose your fate. Forget about past and future, veiled or unveiled, all that is important is the choice of the moment in light of the choices of other moments.
Will you choose to continue your desires for control through frustration, anger and unacceptance, or will you choose to see your own choice to come here as a beautiful gift which you accept graciously, and thus be free? The choice, as always, is yours.
I am forever your Guardian and illuminator of the internal light of shadow, here to accept and willfully transmute the darkness which clouds the perception of the light. I hope for you all to see the brilliance of the light within each as I have seen it, deepest blessings from Creator to Creator, love and light, adonai.