08-15-2011, 03:35 PM
(08-14-2011, 02:27 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: From the Saturday Meditation, 30 July 10 :
It is a risky thing to do. It feels risky. It takes courage, integrity and will. It takes that of which the one known as G was speaking as a focus of desire, a seeking, a hunger, a thirst for the Creator, for truth, for love, for beauty. Therefore, there is tremendous intensity and power given to the one who makes that choice in faith.
Now, my brother, consider what the impact would be upon the environment of the Density of Choice if there were no veil, if all the answers were known. Certainly one could still make the correct decision and leap into faith, but there would not be the resistance and the back-pressure of fear from that part of the self that wants to be safe and to control one’s life. When one leaps into faith, one is not in control. One is saying, “Not my will, but thine. Not my imperfect understanding, but the way of love.” And that is the reason for the veil.
Going through a state of being with the veil in order to achieve the state of being without the veil. Is this the purpose of the veil? That makes no sense, just give me no veil and I will have succeeded before I began- sounds better to me.
I'm not sure there is a "point" to the veil. I think it happens to be here and we happen to be the veil itself. If their is a purpose, then, on all accounts, it is not a friendly purpose. Nobody in their right mind would choose to step into a veiled existence to get back to the unveiled existence they are leaving- that makes no sense.
Correct decision? Fear is good? Controlling one's own life is undesirable to those who choose love?