08-15-2011, 03:19 PM
(08-15-2011, 09:44 AM)unity100 Wrote: aside from what raman said regarding a specific case in our time (free energy), if one is affiliated with history in any way, be it education or hobby, s/he would see that entire known human history is one of controlling of masses through various means by minorities. these minorities may be any kind of minority that gains power through any means. the 'leadership' or qualified to lead theme is a recurring one that keeps repeating through various reasons and justifications. entities in power then proceed to profit self, or impose their world view on the masses.
So, in consideration of these distortions/tendencies, what can be done to reduce the recurrence of this pattern in the next round of 3D? I am thinking that those who have already gained experience on a previous cycle would polarize more rapidly in the next round.
Assuming no "outside" interference from higher densities, how could those 3D entities with previous incarnations be of service to others who are new to 3D, while avoiding the trap of elitism? It just seems completely outside the bounds of human behavior for people not to mimic one another, and to form some kind of consensus around behavior based upon the example of others.
Even if those with extensive 3D experience had no conscious awareness of said experience, I can only assume that they would learn certain lessons more rapidly, resulting in an increase of harmony in their personal lives, which would naturally be emulated by others. Are you suggesting to attempt to avoid this completely? If so, I am not sure how it could be accomplished.
Quote:the solution is to take technology away from this planet, including mental capacity to create such technology. this civilization needs to have only as much as their spiritual advancement average (negative or positive) allows. now there is too much.
What comes to mind would be for those who did not graduate to reincarnate into pre-Adamic bodies, more like the Neanderthal-type, such that certain thought patterns are simply not able to be received by the brain. Then, simply wait however long it takes for higher functions to develop on their own, naturally. Is this similar to what you have in mind? Or if not, please describe.
Also, what would be done with respect to the degree of veiling? How would a lighter or heavier veil affect the process?