08-24-2009, 12:46 PM
(08-23-2009, 06:45 PM)Lavazza Wrote: In thinking about this further, and upon pondering your last post, Quantum, I think I may have some insight that could be a contender as a conclusive answer on this confusion. I do not think it is so much a case of the message being garbled by the instrument.
Upon reflection, and some additional searching of the L/L main site, I cannot find where Ra states that The Confederation "passed" the material. Ra simply tells us that it was transmitted by a Confederation Social Memory Complex. So although this may be minor, it should subtly change our context. We know for sure was that it was put before the council, in what form or what state of completeness, we don't know for sure. It could very well have been that the Social Memory Complex in question decided to change something after presenting the material to the Council, or embellish, or what-have-you using free will.
This may eliminate all confusion, at least on the surface. The point was "to veil and partially unveil aspects or primal distortions of the Law of One.". For some reason that we do not comprehend, the goal of this information was in part to veil information as it relates to TLOO. This would be akin to the 'Peppering' of mis-information. This further supports the concept that the Confederation Social Memory Complex was aiming the information at a specific audience... ? Regardless, this explains why the topic of reincarnation was told to be false, and other anomalies that do not match well to the Ra material.
I highlighted this fragment, "information buried within" simply to remind us that the body of work is not to be interpreted so lightly, or so it seems. In other words, there may well be a greater purpose for transmitting information that is less accurate, say, than the Ra material.
Interesting speculations Lavazza. Thank you for continuing. Let us attempt to dissect terms. When I use the term "peppered", I mean it more to imply 'peppered' as the normal amount of distortion(s) expected that emanate from a, let us say for example, more pure source, i.e. Ra in mid 6th density, to a down-stepped source, i.e. man in 3D. By "peppered" then, I mean to imply "distortion" as is a normal consequence of a frequency emanating from a higher source, being broadcast, to a lower source much like an HD broadcast being beamed to an Analog TV. One would expect the clarity and/or sound to be less than ideal as a result, given the "receiving instrumentation" is less well refined than is the "broadcasting instrumentation".
This leads us to then ask, what does the term "distortion" mean. May the term distortion also apply to "willful misinformation"? Perhaps yes in a sense, but as a purist definition, I think not. Willful misinformation is simply lying, this in the willful effort to willfully mislead. Logic would seem to suggest that given this effort as being one "less than true" would therefore not be an effort that 6th density would engage in. Distortion, I am more inclined to feel, is "misinterpretation", either by the inability to understand fully or by the inability to receive clearly, but not as a result of the intent to purposely mislead. The distinctions I am attempting to draw here is with an intent to split hairs for a purpose. The fine line of distinction attempting to be made however becomes even more blurred by the fact that STS forces may indeed attempt to interfere with a said "true" information being broadcast. Here is where the scribe or channel's sacred intent of "receiving clearly" comes into to play as was in fact exemplified in the efforts of Don, Carla and Jim when channeling Ra. Using the analogy of a channel being compared to a radio, a radio does not distort intentionally. Presumably the intended broadcaster being STO from 4th/5th/6th density likewise does not mislead or distort intentionally. Therefore an STS interference by this definition is not so much distortion in the classic sense as much as it is simply willful misinformation. This harkins back to my previous post that an STO teaching would be counter-productive to the teaching were it otherwise.
However, there are opposing forces that may hi-jack a said broadcast "occasionally" so as to mislead intentionally. Were they on the other hand to hi-jack a said broadcasting system altogether permanently, it would no longer be subtlety misleading verses an outright STS broadcast meant entirely only for STS listeners thereby turning off an entire STO audience. This by its very nature would likewise be counter-productive to STS. Subterfuge is key for STS (think world politics as the mirror here - as above so below). Therefore it seems logical to assume that given the STS agenda is to win over STO adherents that subtle subversion then is key, given that an outright takeover would be a doomed mission in the attempt to win over STO adherents, notwithstanding that outright domination is also a methodology employed when more readily available, i.e. as in after the fact of a slow boil of subversion having laid the ground, but not so much for winning STO as much as outright dominion.
This then leaves the last terms "partially veiled" vs partially unveiled" , either to be examined as an STO term in this context. I would conjecture that these terms are merely referenced as a means to convey the preservation of free will. Unveiling too much is an interference of same. Unveiling just enough however points a finger in the right direction as a hint to the seeker, this without interfering with free will by unveiling totally the reason to be here, i.e. waking up out of 3D through ones own volition and efforts.
I attempted to take a portion of this conversation to "Life On Planet Earth/ The Confederation", this as a means of beginning a separate thread on the Confederation entirely. If any feel this to be more appropriate here as a separate thread on "Sessions In Focus", we may just as easily move it here.