(08-10-2011, 12:50 PM)Kiko Wrote:I don't look at it as a 'race' either, not sure how it was construed that way. I thought must wanderers picked that up, along with other aspects of identification with the illusion, attachment, separation, evaluation. We are given as long as we want, to do whatever we want or go to sleep. And we can spit on the graciousness of the creator too, that is our choice.(08-10-2011, 12:16 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I don't believe this is true. It would be like saying the only thing preventing me from entering PGA Tour is practice. Simply not true. We are not created equal and that goes for the veil, chakra activation, etc.
While most in the forums appear to like saying that all is illusion (and I would agree inasmuch as I can express myself properly) it seems to me that powerlessness, laziness (is there such a thing?) and equality are all illusion too.
If we think that we are any of these things, then surely we can only think that outside oneness? So in time, for example as spread across millennia, one soul may appear more advance than another, but it is just due to incarnations and learning at a certain 'pace'. Both are part of one, so in reality 'behind the scenes' neither is in front or behind.
I seem to remember reading something Ra said about no level of being actually being 'ahead' or 'behind' another. Thus, while I remember being of Ra (singularly) long ago, I am now of the UK in this time and living an ordinary life (if a life can be called that). Ra of 'now' as we perceive them are not 'ahead' of us, nor are we 'behind'.
Our ego-minds in this state of being have a penchant for seeing everything in terms of better or worse, in front or behind; in other words, separation in all things. So, just trying to see through the filter of ego-mind into an attempt at oneness should tell us that 'ascension' is nothing more than change. Not better, not worse, no prizes for hard work or 'winning the race'.
I think perhaps that the egalitarian-truth aspect of reality, encountered during one's initial learning , where ego-consciousness (in light of increasing polarization) is more and more contextualized, might compel one to zealotry or over-emphasis of some discovery, but the irony is that truth is necessarily part of the illusion as well.
(08-10-2011, 08:46 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: To your point though, if it is not skill, technique, or practice, then how can laziness be a factor? I did read your first quote to imply skill, technique, and practice, so that was confusing for me.It's the use of the will in general. You are given the gift of 'free-will'. You are a sub-logos.
(08-10-2011, 08:46 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Again, I really listen intently to what you have to say, zenmaster, but we do seem to have a difference on one point (I can't find a label for that point..) and my view is that nothing has to be done with the knowledge that you display (well, I might add). I think that it comes right back around, full circle, to just being the same way you were before you were 'aware.'I agree 100%. I'm not sure how you misunderstood that I was claiming that something has to be done?