Quote: Things may be exactly as they were 3000 or more years ago.............boring as all heck, taking a full 900 years of life to gain the catalyst/choice that we now gain in 20 years.
I feel this is key, and it core to why the harvest is close approaching. Like Pickle is relating, life used to be BORING a few thousand years ago. You want monotony?!? Try hunting-gathering!
When I look around today, I notice kids are smarter and more mature than when I grew up; they are accepting more catalyst at earlier ages than many who came before them. The amount of catalyst available is GROWING, almost now to the point that a small child can understand many of the complexities of our lives through their own experience (whether it be personal or through media/internet). I feel this is a precursor to the harvest; the universe is getting impatient. It wants us to learn NOW.