Just to show that I didn't get those statistics out of a hat:
Cancer is now the leading cause of death among children ages 1-14. Until recently, it was accidents. Now it's cancer, according to cancer.gov.
Study Finds Mysterious Rise In Childhood Cancer Rate
Childhood cancer rates on the rise
Rise in Childhood Cancers Parallels Toxic Chemical Proliferation
Chemicals in Food Raise Children’s Cancer Toll
Ra indicates that anger is a causative factor in cancer, but also indicates that changes in diet may effect healing, once the causative factor has been addressed; ie., catalyst utilized.
In light of Ra's explanation, and the obvious increase in cancer rates as we near the Harvest, it would appear that catalyst is accelerating. Some entities are apparently using cancer as a way to exit this reality once their life mission is complete, while others may have chosen cancer as a catalyst to become aware of the extreme poisoning of the planet; while they heal their bodies of the cancer, they contribute to awareness of the planet's toxic predicament, and some may even have chosen healing so that they can stay here and help clean up the mess the planet is in. There is a huge trend towards alternative healing which, expressed on a microcosmic level, means detoxifying and cleansing the body, while on a macrocosmic level, is expressed in detoxifying and cleansing the planet.
It seems apparent to me that the increase in cancer obviously correlates with what's happening on the planet right now.
In light of this, how can we best be of service to those who are struggling with this particular catalyst?
Cancer is now the leading cause of death among children ages 1-14. Until recently, it was accidents. Now it's cancer, according to cancer.gov.
Study Finds Mysterious Rise In Childhood Cancer Rate
Childhood cancer rates on the rise
Quote:"Notably, the fatal disease, long considered a problem in senior years, is striking more and more children. Major risk factors include pollution and unhealthy lifestyles," Zhang told China Daily at an awareness-raising event held on Thursday by sohu.com, one of the biggest online news portals in China.
The most common kinds of cancer among children are leukemia, lymphoma and brain cancer, he said.
The incidence of bone cancer is higher among teenagers than younger children, he added.
"Personally, I've seen more cases of children developing leukemia after home decoration," he said.
"Long-term exposure to harmful chemicals from decoration materials would substantially raise the cancer risks, particularly for children," he said.
Similarly, parents' occupations are also related, studies have found.
People such as drivers and painters are more likely to be exposed to lead and this means their children face higher risks of cancer, experts said.
Child cancer patients show common symptoms, including persistent low fever, weight loss for unknown reason and nose bleeds, said Zhi Xiuyi, a Beijing-based lung cancer expert.
Zhi also warned parents that unhealthy lifestyles greatly increase the risk of cancer, which is "a lifestyle chronic disease".
It has been scientifically proven that factors such as obesity, physically inactive lifestyle and high-calorie diet are also factors in the development of childhood cancer, he said.
"Early intervention in children's unhealthy lifestyles will greatly lower their risk of developing cancer both in childhood and adulthood," Zhang said.
For instance, without intervention, overweight children, who are usually meat lovers, often become obese adults, who face much higher risks of breast and colon cancers, he said.
"Cancers of the breast, skin and colon are more related to unhealthy lifestyles than lung and liver cancers," he said.
"The rates of these cancers are rising rapidly among Chinese people, who have become richer in recent decades and have then adopted a Western lifestyle," said Zhi.
Rise in Childhood Cancers Parallels Toxic Chemical Proliferation
Quote:The Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition warned today in a teleconference that cancer in American children has increased since 1975, while exposure to toxic chemicals has also intensified.
Environmental public health expert Dr. Richard Clapp told reporters on the call, "The incidence of childhood cancers has unequivocally been going up for last 20 years, at about a one percent increase per year."
"We know a lot more than we did in 1975 about the causes of childhood cancers. One compenent is environmental chemical exposures, which produce damage at the cellular level," said Dr. Clapp, professor emeritus of environmental health at Boston University School of Public Health, who served as director of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry from 1980-1989.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organization, this year looked at over 900 chemicals and identified 107 that are known to cause cancer, said Dr. Clapp. "In 1975 there were about a dozen things known to cause cancer in humans."
As incidences of childhood leukemia and brain cancer have increased, Dr. Clapp pointed to exposure to chlorinated solvents such as trichlorethelyene and carbon tetrachloride in drinking water as a factor in childhood cancer clusters found in Woburn, Massachusetts and Tom's River, New Jersey.
Last year the President's Cancer Panel report provided confirmation that exposure to toxic chemicals is an important and under-recognized risk factor for cancer, and recommended that the government take immediate action to reverse this trend. The Panel advised Congress to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act, commenting that this law is "the most egregious example of ineffective regulation of chemical contaminants" and noting that weaknesses in the law have constrained the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from being able to properly regulate known and suspected carcinogens.
"We see cancers increasing and other diseases in kids to be increasing, and we know some of this increase is due to the increase in chemicals," said Sean Palfrey, MD, professor of clinical pediatrics and public health at Boston University.
"We can eat them or drink, breathe them, and absorb them through our skin. They harm the blood cells related to leukemia or brain cells and show up years later," said Dr. Palfrey.
"Cigarettes are related to cancer, so is radiation from natural sources and from radiation therapies used to treat the very cancers we are trying to cure, chemicals in food, in our houses, environmental chemicals," he said. "These chemicals are not changing human genetics but are handing down chemicals that can affect the genetic functions of mothers and children."
Chemicals in Food Raise Children’s Cancer Toll
Quote:Samuel S. Epstein, M.S. and Ralph W. Moss
The New York Times letters, July 16, 1991
“Study Finds Mysterious Rise in Childhood Cancer Rates” (news article, June 26) understates the problems and overstates the mystery. Scientists, it says , are “just now learning of the latest statistics” that show a 4 percent increase in childhood cancer from 1973 to 1988. Last year, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reported a 28 percent increase in the incidence of childhood cancer from 1950 to 1987.
It is also stated that scientists have “few clues to the reasons for the jump.” Yet, more than 20 studies in the United States and elsewhere have demonstrated clear associations between childhood cancers and exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. The three most common childhood malignancies, kidney and brain cancers and acute leukemia, are often related to occupational exposure of fathers and mothers. Such exposure includes organic solvents, hydrocarbons, paints, dyes and pigments. Children of mechanics and mining and aircraft workers are also at risk.
You gloss over the substantial association between childhood cancer and exposure to pesticides. Clusters of acute leukemia are found in agricultural counties with heavy pesticide use, particularly for cotton production. Additionally, brain tumors have been associated with home termite treatment. Of 34 pesticides repeatedly applied commercially to lawns, at up to five times agricultural rates, ten are well recognized carcinogens.
As documented by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), residues of numerous carcinogenic pesticides are commonly found in most fruits and vegetables. Additionally, milk and other dairy products are often laden with carcinogenic pesticides and antibiotics. Factory farm meat, particularly liver, veal, frankfurters and hamburgers, are also contaminated with carcinogenic pesticides, besides growth-stimulating sex hormones and other feed additives.
Ra indicates that anger is a causative factor in cancer, but also indicates that changes in diet may effect healing, once the causative factor has been addressed; ie., catalyst utilized.
Quote:40.9 Questioner: Has the vibration of the photon increased in frequency already?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It is this influence which has begun to cause thoughts to become things. As an example you may observe the thoughts of anger becoming those cells of the physical bodily complex going out of control to become what you call the cancer.
Category: Harvest
40.12 Questioner: You mentioned that the thoughts of anger now are causing cancer. Can you expand on this mechanism as it acts as a catalyst or its complete purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth-density is one of revealed information. Selves are not hidden to self or other-selves. The imbalances or distortions which are of a destructive nature show, therefore, in more obvious ways, the vehicle of the mind/body/spirit complex thus acting as a teaching resource for self revelation. These illnesses such as cancer are correspondingly very amenable to self-healing once the mechanism of the destructive influence has been grasped by the individual.
Category: Healing
40.13 Questioner: Then you are saying that cancer is quite easily healed mentally and is a good teaching tool because it is easily healed mentally and once the entity forgives the other-self at whom he is angry the cancer will disappear. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The other portion of healing has to do with forgiveness of self and a greatly heightened respect for the self. This may conveniently be expressed by taking care in dietary matters. This is quite frequently a part of the healing and forgiving process. Your basic premise is correct.
Category: Healing
46.13 Questioner: How does cancer do this learn/teaching when the entity developing cancer has no conscious idea of what is happening to him when he develops cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. In many cases catalyst is not used.
Category: Healing: Cancer
46.14 Questioner: What is the plan for use of the catalyst of cancer?
Ra: I am Ra. The catalyst, and all catalyst, is designed to offer experience. This experience in your density may be loved and accepted or it may be controlled. These are the two paths. When neither path is chosen the catalyst fails in its design and the entity proceeds until catalyst strikes it which causes it to form a bias towards acceptance and love or separation and control. There is no lack of space/time in which this catalyst may work.
Category: Healing: Cancer
In light of Ra's explanation, and the obvious increase in cancer rates as we near the Harvest, it would appear that catalyst is accelerating. Some entities are apparently using cancer as a way to exit this reality once their life mission is complete, while others may have chosen cancer as a catalyst to become aware of the extreme poisoning of the planet; while they heal their bodies of the cancer, they contribute to awareness of the planet's toxic predicament, and some may even have chosen healing so that they can stay here and help clean up the mess the planet is in. There is a huge trend towards alternative healing which, expressed on a microcosmic level, means detoxifying and cleansing the body, while on a macrocosmic level, is expressed in detoxifying and cleansing the planet.
It seems apparent to me that the increase in cancer obviously correlates with what's happening on the planet right now.
In light of this, how can we best be of service to those who are struggling with this particular catalyst?