08-09-2011, 06:12 PM
I hope this discussion is not going too off-topic (though all of this really does concern ascension!), but yes Confused, you are correct in many ways. It all depends on whether we see the infinite One as a "plural" or "single" entity which is learning. There is nothing wrong with the STS path, one should not be alarmed over this choice (or actually you should ye' little devils! (just trying to spur some hatred in you! nah just kidding )). A true STO entity will understand the choice of the STS and encourage the soul to do what feels right. Our little game would never work without you, and i see it as a true task of courage to be STS. I'm sure the loving crowd at bring4th will understand the choice of any soul
(08-09-2011, 05:55 PM)Oceania Wrote: powerless as in another creature can stab you and you can't do anything about it. powerless that you are here and can't get out.There are two roads (or actually an infinite number of roads but i'll focus on these two main ones) to deal with this problem/challenge/catalyst. You can focus your energy on wanting to understand this other creature, to forgive him/her because of their lack of perspective (their veil), without any thoughts of reward/gratification. Discussing with said entity might result in mutual understanding, or it might not. This matters not, since you know he/she is a brother/sister that was actually supposed to do this to you in order for you to have this catalyst. The other road is to steal back your energy through an act of retaliation, whether you TP said persons house or whatever you might choose. If one does not choose how to use the energy one becomes powerless.
Remember you are here to make a choice. Taking the easy way out of the illusion will mean you will have to face this choice again.