(08-05-2011, 03:59 AM)Lorna Wrote: "Just ask your parents or grandparents if they ever heard of children, or babies, getting cancer or diabetes back in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. They were able to detect cancer then. They will tell you it was very rare, if at all. "
that's a heck of a sweeping statement, i know there's been an increase in type 2 diabetes, and i know there has been an increase in some forms of cancer, however that's not what you said.
I stand by my statement. I do believe that if any of us asked or grandparents how many children they knew who had cancer or diabetes back in the 1940s or 50s, they might think of 1 or 2 examples at most. Nowadays, we all know lots of children with those diseases. They had stuff like polio back then, but they didn't have huge children's hospitals just to treat children with cancer because it's so common, like we have today.
Cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are much more prevalent now than they were in past generations. They are modern plagues, directly related to the modern lifestyle. I never said they didn't exist at all before; what I said was that there has been a huge increase. I also said they were very rare among children in the past, and now they are all becoming increasingly common among children.
I understand you disagree. But can you explain to me why this statement, just because you disagree with it, is "jarring", "uncompassionate" and offensive?
(08-05-2011, 03:59 AM)Lorna Wrote: the other reason is that i simply don't believe that every condition can be cured, and i think there comes a point when acceptance and appreciation for the catalyst brings an element of peace. i expect you disagree with me on this so we are probably coming from different places. you've experienced illness in family members caused by lifestyle factors, i've experienced illness in family members which, appears to me, almost entirely pre incarnative decisions for teach/learning, unrelated to lifestyle. probably simply a case of different experiences resulting in different perspectives.
I never said that every condition can be cured. I said that degenerative diseases have physical components that are affected by lifestyle, and, on a physical level, degenerative diseases are easily healed utilizing these physical lifestyle changes. But that's not the only factor in the equation! I was referring to physical healing methods, since the conversation was about physical, conventional medical 'therapies.' I believe that the record speaks for itself: Alternative healing methods are far, far, far more effective than conventional drug-based methods, for degenerative diseases.
I even included a disclaimer to balance my view, by acknowledging that conventional methods are far, far more effective in acute emergency situations.
We were discussing physical healing methods. Obviously there is a spiritual component! This is true regardless of which physical method one pursues.
Perhaps the misunderstanding is due to terms you might not be familiar with? Degenerative diseases are the ones I just mentioned: chronic conditions that have all been proven to be affected by lifestyle. It's well established by conventional medical community that heart disease, cancer, obesity, stroke, diabetes, etc. are all largely preventable, and even treatable, by lifestyle and dietary changes. That's a fact.
Does this mean that every person who changes their diet and lifestyle will be healed? No, and I never said they would. There are many other factors: karmic, emotional, environmental, pre-incarnational programming, genetic predispositions, etc.
I've known many people who've been healed. People who did the chemo etc. and were on their deathbeds and they fully recovered after going raw vegan, drinking the water, juicing, etc. There are many, many books telling their stories. These are real people.
I've also known people for whom those methods didn't work. I knew a woman who did the raw vegan diet, drank several quarts of carrot juice and wheatgrass juice, cleansing etc. but succumbed to breast cancer. Well, her baby died while nursing from that breast! And her husband left her shortly afterwards. Who knows what kind of emotional, spiritual and karmic issues she still had unresolved?
The wife of a famous raw vegan leader recently died of colon cancer. This sad news rocked the raw vegan community. Opponents seized upon this news almost with glee, claiming that this 'proves' the diet doesn't work for everyone. Well, what they missed was that this woman came from a severely abusive home and had some really intense emotional scars, and had healed to a great degree when she embraced the natural lifestyle. But no one can possibly know what her pre-incarnative agenda was, or what issues she still had unresolved. Who knows, maybe on some level she chose this mission to keep the raw vegan community from getting smug and thinking that they have instant answers for every problem! But that doesn't change the fact that this lifestyle has enhanced and even saved the lives of many, many thousands of people who would have died otherwise.
I agree with you that those other factors, the spiritual component, is the root cause of all disease, because all disease is catalyst. Where we perhaps disagree is that I believe that, once the person has cleared the catalyst, they are then free to be physically healed, since that particular catalyst is no longer needed. There is no way any of us can know whether another person has cleared their catalyst or not! So we offer info, and allow the person to decide whether it's appropriate for them.
What I see happening is that some people turn down obviously effective physical healing protocols, because they still require the catalyst. That's ok and there is no judgment towards them. I've seen people drink the water, and their tumors started shrinking, and then they quit drinking the water and the tumors came back and they died. Why? Because, whether consciously or unconsciously, that was their choice. It's not my place to judge that. It's sad to see it happen, but I am grateful for the understanding the Law of One has given me, so that I'm able to accept that, for whatever reason, they didn't choose to be physically healed.
I don't believe that every person can be physically healed, because of those other factors. However, I do believe that, IF the person no longer has a need for that catalyst, there are many, yes, many various healing modalities that do work and will work, to facilitate healing of degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. In fact, there are so many alternative protocols out there to choose from, it's obscene that the medical drug industry tries to suppress them.
I also agree with Pickle that even genetic predispositions can be transformed, if the person's consciousness changes to that degree. And I agree with him that all degenerative diseases can be healed, provided the person's consciousness is in alignment with that healing.
At this crucially important nexus, there are many people out there whose consciousness has raised to the point that they are ready for physical healing. Those are the people we're working with. The alternative healing modalities work, and they are being offered now, because many people are ready for them. It's a shift in paradigm. Alternative healing is to conventional drug-based medicine, as the Law of One is to organized religion, in my opinion. It represents an increase in awareness. (Again, I am referring only to their application to degenerative diseases, not acute conditions. If one has an accident, get thee to a hospital!)
I hope this clarifies my views. It was not my intention to offend anyone, so I'm still wondering how just expressing a different opinion is offensive. If you could offer feedback on that, I would appreciate it!
Note: Post has been edited.