(08-03-2011, 05:48 PM)Richard Wrote: But what if all literature is bleed through from somewhere else?
I have the feeling that most art of any kind which is not just mass produced pap is inspiration from other levels of being. Some classical composers and authors said that their music and stories flowed through them from elsewhere, and they were very aware of the fact that they did not fully create their works themselves, yes?
I have always liked science fiction because within that the genre writers could explore almost anything at all. I remember a few stories written decades ago about humankind melding into a 'social memory complex'. Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke was one. Another, the name of which I do not recall, took a slightly more horror story line with everything melding into one after nanotechnology became a reality.
I know that some people fear the idea of becoming one and losing their self-identity. Experiences I have had since childhood of joining myself to oneness feels nothing like loss of myself, but growth of myself enlarged a billion times into 'god' (if that will pass as a good enough description). Which reminds me of an old Beatles song; "Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream; It is not dying, it is not dying".
As my human individual self I find the idea of a 'social memory complex' fascinating. I do not think that Ra, for example, feel like a big soup of what was once people. Ra say 'we' and 'I' a lot, indicating that there is individuality within the whole, perhaps like each sardine in a massive, swooping ball of beautiful silver in the sea. I am waxing lyrical: I think the hot weather and sunrise woke me too early!