08-03-2011, 03:37 PM
(08-03-2011, 11:31 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Yes, I agree, cancer certainly has a spiritual, emotional and karmic component, just like everything else. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to educate people about the physical factors that are contributing to their cancer. I think that when people are ready to heal, they will find a method by which they can be healed. There are so many physical ways to heal cancer, it would be comical if it weren't so sad.
Interesting that I would find this doc right after folks ask me about switching things off in the body.
Certain of the children who
had full blown AIDS and have been found to be free of the disease are
Shift children who don’t want anything to do with the AIDS
journey. They came into this plane of consciousness to check out the
journey and then get right out of here. So they programmed this journey
to get AIDS, but then they found that they liked it here. They thought,
“Wow, this is really great.” So they clicked off the gene.
In Signature Cell Healing, you learn about clicking genes on and off, and
other such things. These are things a Shift child can do. Some of these
children are clicking off the AIDS gene completely and some are clicking
it off just enough to give you something to work with. Their journey is
mind-boggling. They will teach you how to turn off cancer genes, AIDS
genes, etc. It’ll be some time before that happens, however.
Some of these children will be coming into the journey with all sorts of
abnormalities, for which they will simply click