(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: I do not agree with some of your points. I don't think that this one is right and that one is wrong, as there are good and bad in all of the systems.
I specified that there is obviously good in the conventional medical system.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: I think that use of each drug (whether this drug is created by the industry or the alternative 'medicine') should be investigated, researched and approved by independant system, which is exactly what is done in Sweden.
Are you sure it's independent? Drug testing is extremely expensive. Here in the US, the drug companies test their drugs, and often release drugs to the public that aren't safe. We have commercials airing on tv outlining the risks of commonly used drugs, including such side effects as sudden death. Check out mercola.com for an eye-opener on the drug industry. I don't agree with Dr. Mercola on diet, but he does a great job of exposing the corruption in the medical industry.
If Sweden's medical system isn't corrupt, then you are lucky indeed! Here in the US, the FDA is in bed with the drug companies. That's like letting the fox guard the henhouse! They most definitely do NOT have our best interests at heart! There is so much evidence to what I'm saying that it would require its own thread, and I really don't have time to list it all. But you can learn a lot on mercola.com and http://www.naturalnews.com/Index.html if you're interested.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: And the medicines that are today used in the health care system have been approved after years of research, reports and investigations!
Here in the US, drugs are often approved after only a few months. They aren't safe. It's a scam. A single person dies from a tainted batch of a natural supplement and they remove it from the market, but every year something like 100,000 people die from drugs used correctly, and they stay on the market.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: This says something about their quality.
Then you have a better system than we do. That's not how it is here in the US.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: The purpose of drugs that have been approved is that they help more than they do the damage. That is why it is stated in the fields where side-effects are listed that the side-effects might occur in 1 in 100, or 1000, or sometimes even 1000 000 cases.
There are many flaws in that, such as underreporting of side effects. This is quite documented regarding vaccines.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: I don't think that it's wise to put alternative 'medicines', without the careful and thorough research and investigation out in the market. Because it is people's lives that we are talking about here.
Hundreds of thousands of people die each year from allopathic medicine. This is fact. It's extremely rare for anyone to die from natural healing protocols. There just isn't any comparison.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: And I do get sceptic when the so called 'doctors' of whatever science are working in alternative 'medicine' facilities, and thus doing the research that confirms their already established beliefs/biases.
Ankh, we are coming from 2 different paradigms here. Again, part of it might be that we're in different countries. But what you are saying applies to the drug research here, much more than to natural medicine.
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: I do not have any problems with them doing the research, but when it's done, the result of this research should be proven by an independent government organisation, which is already done in Sweden. Do you see what I mean?
You mean Sweden's government isn't corrupt? Wow, you are lucky! Here, the drug companies influence the government. The medical industry is the biggest cash cow in our country. They make more $$ than all other industries put together. Keeping people sick is big business!
(08-03-2011, 01:35 PM)Ankh Wrote: If we use the vaccin as an example, lives that have been saved by this invention outnumbers far, far, far the tragic events that might have happened.
Whether or not to vaccinate my son was the most agonizing decision of my parenting career. I researched the issue thoroughly, and I disagree with you very strongly. If you are interested in learning why, then I would refer you to this thread:
Life on Planet Earth > the amish dont get autism: VACCINES
The whole thread has a wealth of info on both sides of the debate, but in particular, I invite you to view this excellent expose of the vaccine industry. You will likely be shocked at what you find out!
Vaccination: The Hidden Truth