08-03-2011, 01:35 PM
Dear Monica, I did not take offense regarding my profession. How could I? I hardly regard it as work as service can not be more direct or obvious than the one I provide in my "job" =)
I understand your points of view. And I agree with many of your opinions. I am also pro-alternative medicine/methods to be used in the health care system. Nevertheless, I do not agree with some of your points. I don't think that this one is right and that one is wrong, as there are good and bad in all of the systems.
I think that use of each drug (whether this drug is created by the industry or the alternative 'medicine') should be investigated, researched and approved by independant system, which is exactly what is done in Sweden. And the medicines that are today used in the health care system have been approved after years of research, reports and investigations! This says something about their quality. Each body then (which is the product of the mind and particular chosen distortions) can react very differently to the same drug. The purpose of drugs that have been approved is that they help more than they do the damage. That is why it is stated in the fields where side-effects are listed that the side-effects might occur in 1 in 100, or 1000, or sometimes even 1000 000 cases. Recent studies also show that this information, about the side-effects, have the nocebo effect (as the opposite to the placebo). Nevertheless, I do believe that we should put more effort into research of alternative 'medicine' and practice, which is already done in Sweden. But we have to have patience. We all do what we can. And I don't think that it's wise to put alternative 'medicines', without the careful and thorough research and investigation out in the market. Because it is people's lives that we are talking about here. And I do get sceptic when the so called 'doctors' of whatever science are working in alternative 'medicine' facilities, and thus doing the research that confirms their already established beliefs/biases. I do not have any problems with them doing the research, but when it's done, the result of this research should be proven by an independent government organisation, which is already done in Sweden. Do you see what I mean?
By the negative influence, I mean that I've heard that the drug industry is negatively, or STS, influenced. But I can not know that for sure, as I have never worked there myself. But as with all industry which is trying to survive by selling products, it is probably so. But you have to remember that it is not that industry which is giving drugs to the patients. It is doctors who prescribe these drugs to their patients. And as with all humans, some of us are more service to others oriented and thus care about what they are doing in their everyday lives, and some of us are lesser caring due the personal problems.
Overall I agree with you that this is not a black-or-white issue. It is a complicated issue with lots of grey shadows, but I do not believe that some few horrible examples is the right way to approach this topic. If we use the vaccin as an example, lives that have been saved by this invention outnumbers far, far, far the tragic events that might have happened. (I have been studying the vaccination and immune system.) Nevertheless those tragic events should not be hidden, but investigated and open for everybody, together with honest information about the positive effects vaccin is having on the survival of infants, children, adults and elderly people. From the inside view I can only offer the horror doctors (the doctors, not the medical industry) are feeling towards that people might stop giving their children vaccin, as they know what potential disaster it can cause not only for these families, but for the whole mankind, if enough people stop taking the vaccins and some of the decesases from the past that used to reap millions of lives all over the world, once again take roots in our multinational, global society, where we travel like never before (thus spreading the deceases, fast).
I understand your points of view. And I agree with many of your opinions. I am also pro-alternative medicine/methods to be used in the health care system. Nevertheless, I do not agree with some of your points. I don't think that this one is right and that one is wrong, as there are good and bad in all of the systems.
I think that use of each drug (whether this drug is created by the industry or the alternative 'medicine') should be investigated, researched and approved by independant system, which is exactly what is done in Sweden. And the medicines that are today used in the health care system have been approved after years of research, reports and investigations! This says something about their quality. Each body then (which is the product of the mind and particular chosen distortions) can react very differently to the same drug. The purpose of drugs that have been approved is that they help more than they do the damage. That is why it is stated in the fields where side-effects are listed that the side-effects might occur in 1 in 100, or 1000, or sometimes even 1000 000 cases. Recent studies also show that this information, about the side-effects, have the nocebo effect (as the opposite to the placebo). Nevertheless, I do believe that we should put more effort into research of alternative 'medicine' and practice, which is already done in Sweden. But we have to have patience. We all do what we can. And I don't think that it's wise to put alternative 'medicines', without the careful and thorough research and investigation out in the market. Because it is people's lives that we are talking about here. And I do get sceptic when the so called 'doctors' of whatever science are working in alternative 'medicine' facilities, and thus doing the research that confirms their already established beliefs/biases. I do not have any problems with them doing the research, but when it's done, the result of this research should be proven by an independent government organisation, which is already done in Sweden. Do you see what I mean?
By the negative influence, I mean that I've heard that the drug industry is negatively, or STS, influenced. But I can not know that for sure, as I have never worked there myself. But as with all industry which is trying to survive by selling products, it is probably so. But you have to remember that it is not that industry which is giving drugs to the patients. It is doctors who prescribe these drugs to their patients. And as with all humans, some of us are more service to others oriented and thus care about what they are doing in their everyday lives, and some of us are lesser caring due the personal problems.
Overall I agree with you that this is not a black-or-white issue. It is a complicated issue with lots of grey shadows, but I do not believe that some few horrible examples is the right way to approach this topic. If we use the vaccin as an example, lives that have been saved by this invention outnumbers far, far, far the tragic events that might have happened. (I have been studying the vaccination and immune system.) Nevertheless those tragic events should not be hidden, but investigated and open for everybody, together with honest information about the positive effects vaccin is having on the survival of infants, children, adults and elderly people. From the inside view I can only offer the horror doctors (the doctors, not the medical industry) are feeling towards that people might stop giving their children vaccin, as they know what potential disaster it can cause not only for these families, but for the whole mankind, if enough people stop taking the vaccins and some of the decesases from the past that used to reap millions of lives all over the world, once again take roots in our multinational, global society, where we travel like never before (thus spreading the deceases, fast).