08-03-2011, 11:31 AM
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: Don't be so negative ;-) j/k
I'm not being negative. I deal with people every day who were very, very sick, taking 6 or 8 or even 12 drugs per day, sometimes bedridden with pain or in a wheelchair, who then get off all meds and even off their deathbeds, just by changing the water they drink. And there are plenty of others being healed by using other alternative modalities. There is plenty of evidence as to why this happens, but the medical system in the US is so fixated on drugs, because they make so much $$, that they don't even recognize these simple, natural alternatives that help people.
I'm not referring to individual doctors, nurses and researchers who obviously chose their profession because they want to help people. I'm referring to the drug industry, as an industry.It's not negative to acknowledge that there are indeed STS entities at work here, keeping people drugged and sick. The US spends more $$ on medical care than all other industrialized nations put together. One would think we'd be the healthiest, right? But no. The US ranks #46 in the world, according to World Health Organization statistics, for health and longevity. Japan ranks #1, and they utilize allopathic methods for acute, emergency conditions, which is where they shine, but are far more prevention-based in their approach towards chronic, degenerative diseases.
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: But seriously, it depends on how we choose to look at things. I've had a lot of negative thoughts about our society/world once, until one time it hit me when I was flying over a city (in an airplane ;-)), and I saw the hospitals, social establishments like schools, kindergardens etc... and realized that I have been unfair. Because despite the thick veil, despite heavy negative influences and other difficulties in our so called 'orange ray societies' (as unity would put it), people are fighting. They are building hospitals, and other places for others, where those who are in need of it can be taken care of. They are trying. They are giving away their money, and other things that they can afford to strangers and voluntary organisations. They are providing their services, in forms like volunteering to Africa and other so called 'third world societies' to help others, and they are volunteering in their own home contries too. To me that says a lot about our world. People are really, really trying. Yes, yes, I am not blind, and I do see all the negative stuff too, but choose to see the goodness too.
Both viewpoints are valid. Yes, people are trying, but it's so tragic that the drug industry has monopolized health care so that people are ignorant of the options available to them. When I drive thru the city, by far the most large buildings are all medical - hospitals, cancer treatment centers, doctors' offices, etc. The Yellow Pages even has a huge section in blue, because there are so many pages of doctors. It's a huge, huge, huge money-making industry. And it's bankrupting families, and it's bankrupting our country.
In my opinion, the negative far, far outweighs the positive in the medical industry.
If you would like to understand why I feel that way, then I invite you to watch just the first 5 minutes of this video:
and check out how the drug industry tries to discredit those who actually heal themselves or others:
This is what we're dealing with. It's not negative to be aware of it. I see people everyday whose health has been ruined by the drug industry. It's horrible.
The positive is that people are beginning to wake up. Alternative health therapies are becoming more and more well-known, and people are beginning to take responsibility for their own health, instead of worshiping at the feet of the drug industry.
Yes, the health care providers have good intentions. But the way I see it, they are administering poison unwittingly, and could be so much more effective if they were educated about safe, effective, natural alternative options. I envision a time when the entire country has been transformed, and all those cancer 'treatment' [sic] centers transformed into fitness gyms!
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: As to "they" ;-) - I graduated from the nursing school about seven years ago, and throughout the whole education it was a general knowledge, a commonly established fact, that people do live longer nowdays, are healthier and have improved their quality of life with gigantic steps, only over the past, say, 30 years. This knowledge can be found in scientific research, reports, studies, investigations and surveys among the population.
Respectfully, I don't agree with that, and for good reason. All one has to do is look around at all the sick people. Yes, they are living longer, because plagues have been largely eliminated, so infants dying from bubonic plague are no longer being factored into the equation when they compute average age of mortality. A classic case of figures don't lie but liars can figure. Those providing those statistics are the same people who won't admit that vaccines can trigger autism, who try to put doctors like Dr. Day out of business, who try to take natural herbs and supplements off the market, while peddling their toxic drugs. No, I don't believe them or trust them at all.
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: The discussions that we have been having based upon this knowledge is rather that our elderly population, because of the progress in medical science and practice, is a very fast growing population due their ability to live a healthier and longer life. This is something that is commonly accepted by nurses, doctors and other medical staff and personnel in hospitals and other medical establishments where I have been working over the last seven years, included two major swedish hospitals.
Maybe it's better in Sweden. Here in the US, it's common for anyone over 50, or even younger, to be on several meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. It's common for the husband to have heart disease and prostate cancer while the wife has diabetes and breast cancer, and the kids have either ADD/ADHD, asthma, or allergies. This is the common picture. I used to sell health insurance (for only a year because I was so bad at it, and just couldn't handle having to turn away the people who needed it the most) and I was shocked each time I saw people who looked healthy at first glance, but then learned of the severity of their problems. Many of them were very frustrated and explained to me how they had started out with 1 drug for a specific problem, but then it caused side effects, so they were given another drug to counteract the side effects of the 1st drug, but then the 2nd drug caused new side effects, so then they were given another drug, and so it went until they were taking 10 meds and were sicker than before!
Yes, sometimes drugs are necessary, but they are waaaaay overused. For the record, I think the medical system is top-notch for acute emergency situations like car accidents, broken bones, heart attacks, snake bites, gunshot wounds, etc. But for diabetes, cancer and heart disease? It's a scam to make $$.
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: I think that medical science and practice is struggling and working really hard to try to save as many lives as possible, and improve the quality of life of all population. Of course there are probably negative influences in this establishment as it is in all other places, but their basic and common goal is to save lives and improve the quality of life.
At the level of individual health providers, yes, of course they care about helping others! I think the reason we are disagreeing is that we're viewing the situation from different angles. I'm not talking about doctors and nurses, most of whom do mean well. I'm referring to the level of the industry...the drug companies who profit many many billions by keeping people sick and drugged. At that level, no they don't want people getting well! If they did, then why do they scoff at those who actually are healed, such as Dr. Day, calling them quacks? At the level of the industry, they ridicule and discredit alternative healing modalities, despite overwhelming clinical evidence that they are safe and effective. Their ridicule of homeopathy is a prime example. They gave lip service to testing homeopathy but they applied the wrong kind of protocol, to skew the results they wanted. I could cite plenty of examples...
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: And many times it is done thanks to these "poison coctails", which I think is an unfair calling, because of the respect to these efforts, this work, despite the previously mentioned thick veil and other major difficulties that exists on this planet. People are doing their best in my opinion.
Ankh, I meant no disrespect towards those in the medical profession. If not for modern medicine, neither my son nor I would be alive today. I am very grateful that those doctors, nurses and that hospital were available when I had complications giving birth. I am very grateful that painkillers exist, so that I could have surgery without feeling pain. I am very grateful that these institutions exist, for emergencies like car accidents.
I am trying to convey a distinction between acute conditions and chronic conditions. And, my use of the term poison cocktails was in reference to vaccines. I stand by my assertion. I've met too many mothers who had beautiful, healthy toddlers who were developing normally, learning to talk, etc. and then the very next day after getting injected with that poison coctail, were autistic. Now those families' lives revolve around caring for this high-needs child who was denied a chance at a normal life. It's just tragic.
Please understand that I'm not saying all drugs are poison cocktails. I was referring to vaccines. But most drugs do have toxic side effects and are thus poisonous. (Just read the warning on the label of your fluoride toothpaste!) There are times when drugs are certainly appropriate! It's not a black-and-white issue. I just believe they are way overused, and in many cases, do more damage than good.
(08-03-2011, 07:39 AM)Ankh Wrote: As to cancer question - if I remember it correctly from one Q'uo session, the cancer increases because the planetary sphere of this planet is already of 4th density, meaning that thoughts are becoming things now. Thus, people who are inclined to negative thought patterns will see the results of these patterns manifesting in the physical reality as things, for instance cancer.
Yes, I agree, cancer certainly has a spiritual, emotional and karmic component, just like everything else. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to educate people about the physical factors that are contributing to their cancer. I think that when people are ready to heal, they will find a method by which they can be healed. There are so many physical ways to heal cancer, it would be comical if it weren't so sad.
I hope this clarifies my stance, Ankh. Again, no disrespect intended towards your profession. I appreciate and respect what you do. My complaint is with the industry, not people like you!