08-03-2011, 07:39 AM
(08-03-2011, 03:08 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Haha, who is "they"? The same people administering cocktails of poisons to babies.
Yes, we live longer, but at what price? Look at the average 80-year-old. They have chronic conditions and are very sick, needing a cocktail of drugs just to get thru the day. Contrast that with societies like the Hunza, in which the elderly stay vigorous and vital, working hard and fathering children, well past their 100th birthday.
Don't be so negative ;-) j/k But seriously, it depends on how we choose to look at things. I've had a lot of negative thoughts about our society/world once, until one time it hit me when I was flying over a city (in an airplane ;-)), and I saw the hospitals, social establishments like schools, kindergardens etc... and realized that I have been unfair. Because despite the thick veil, despite heavy negative influences and other difficulties in our so called 'orange ray societies' (as unity would put it), people are fighting. They are building hospitals, and other places for others, where those who are in need of it can be taken care of. They are trying. They are giving away their money, and other things that they can afford to strangers and voluntary organisations. They are providing their services, in forms like volunteering to Africa and other so called 'third world societies' to help others, and they are volunteering in their own home contries too. To me that says a lot about our world. People are really, really trying. Yes, yes, I am not blind, and I do see all the negative stuff too, but choose to see the goodness too.
As to "they" ;-) - I graduated from the nursing school about seven years ago, and throughout the whole education it was a general knowledge, a commonly established fact, that people do live longer nowdays, are healthier and have improved their quality of life with gigantic steps, only over the past, say, 30 years. This knowledge can be found in scientific research, reports, studies, investigations and surveys among the population. The discussions that we have been having based upon this knowledge is rather that our elderly population, because of the progress in medical science and practice, is a very fast growing population due their ability to live a healthier and longer life. This is something that is commonly accepted by nurses, doctors and other medical staff and personnel in hospitals and other medical establishments where I have been working over the last seven years, included two major swedish hospitals. I think that medical science and practice is struggling and working really hard to try to save as many lives as possible, and improve the quality of life of all population. Of course there are probably negative influences in this establishment as it is in all other places, but their basic and common goal is to save lives and improve the quality of life. And many times it is done thanks to these "poison coctails", which I think is an unfair calling, because of the respect to these efforts, this work, despite the previously mentioned thick veil and other major difficulties that exists on this planet. People are doing their best in my opinion.
As to cancer question - if I remember it correctly from one Q'uo session, the cancer increases because the planetary sphere of this planet is already of 4th density, meaning that thoughts are becoming things now. Thus, people who are inclined to negative thought patterns will see the results of these patterns manifesting in the physical reality as things, for instance cancer.