(08-03-2011, 12:36 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: "Love that honesty"- please accept this as literal. No sarcasm there.
"only ego would consider ego an enemy"- you don't think that's a valid paradox? I mean, why would not-the-ego want to shove ego out the door?
Ah, thank you for clarifying. (Words on a screen are often a conundrum, I think).
I think I see what you mean about not-the-ego not wanting, or needing to shove ego out of the door. I tend to see the ego as just that part of us which of necessity sees separation in all things. Without it we would not last long in this world, even just in terms of personal safety.
There are some practices people call 'de-constructing the ego', which seems both daft and potentially dangerous to me. Ego serves a purpose, but as our thoughts are constantly 'filtered' through our ego, any attempts to change its nature are in fact just using ego to try and 'fix' ego. I find that stillness, with no goal of meditation in mind, works best. Ego eventually calms down and feels safe, and anxieties gradually fade away to be replaced by a calm confidence.
On the topic of Ascension, I wonder if our main reason for wanting to 'ascend' is based in deep seated and natural anxiety about our own death? Many books I have read about ascending temporarily or permanently, or trying to change the body's DNA, create a new 'light body' and so on, sound very much as though they are trying to provide a recipe for avoiding death. The 'rapture' some speak of seems the same; be good and you will not have to die.
Like many, I remember dying, and have always had out of body experiences (some of which were confirmed as real by people who later said that they had seen me visiting them). Nothing new there. It does mean that I have no fear of 'being dead' as I know there is no such thing. The only anxiety I do have from time to time is the way I might leave this world behind. Like most people, I would prefer something more palatable than horrific, but if as it is said, we choose our demise as we chose our coming here, then there is nothing to worry about I suppose. I do not feel a need to ascend in any way, as I know my temporary human state with all my dimness and wonderful mistakes is just that; temporary.
I think I may be doing Pickle a disservice by writing in the thread without having watched the video in the original post. I shall watch it now.

Now that is an interesting short film. After hearing what they have to say I would probably say that my own word for 'ascension' is just 'change'. And in the context of change, I feel that it will happen. It is funny how we have synchronicities. I watched the film Knowing (with Nicolas Cage) and felt sure that it was prophetic to some degree. The natural increase in solar flares seems to have some scientists rather alarmed, as they have the feeling that something bigger than normal is coming soon. Personally, I have a vision of vast light in the sky, but not ordinary light, if that makes sense. If it is the kind of change that the video describes then it will be quite the event to experience! If so, and anyone else has a premonition of exactly when, please post so that I can make sandwiches and a flask of tea.