3DMonkey Wrote:It's all becoming imagination for me. we "do" in order to avoid (blank). We see accepting the moment as a possibility that we might be confronted with something we don't want to say "yes" to. We perpetually wave our finger, saying "no, not in my world".
Your thoughts made me smile (or rather, I chose to smile at what I perceived in those words). Lots of no's in there, yes?
I find that in oneness all is acceptable, yet not all is to be aligned with by myself as an individual. One well known spiritual teacher said that there is no evil, only enlightenment and ignorance. (We could of course pick that statement to bits, but in doing so all that would be left is cold tasteless bones). Ra suggests that 'good' and 'evil' are chosen paths, yet in stating that all is one, Ra is also saying implicitly that there are no paths, only perceived paths. I like the Law of One materials simply because they ring true with my own experience. If they did not, why would I bother reading more or joining these forums?
My ego, that part of me which sees separation in everything, likes the idea of 'ascension'. Something to be chosen and worked hard for, something to perhaps be a little evangelical about, giving me cause to feel good about spreading the word, perhaps joining in with others to extend the feeling of 'being right'. But having had to listen to my little ego for a long time, and now knowing oneness, I can smile and let it rest peacefully.
If all is one and I know from repeating experience that this is so, how and why would I need to 'ascend'? What more could I become than who and what I am in oneness?