07-26-2011, 05:46 PM
I skimmed through the presentation after the first 30 mins because of his energy; it seemed a bit too arrogant and condescending rather than loving. I did not let this get in the way of the material presented however, and tried to get the main points. He has quite a bit of logical inconsistencies in his theories, the infamous correlation and causation fallacy. He basically assumes the 'reality' of higher (and lower) dimensions to prove his entire point, and tries to support it through out the presentation, but never really supports it. He just points to inconclusive studies and then says "it must be higher dimensions" to explain the anomalies. I am criticizing him in a logical manner because he is presenting it as a scientific proof of higher dimensions. This is not to say that I don't think there are higher dimensions, I know it to be true because since all things exist in this moment, and all things are possible, all things (paradoxically) are neither true or false, but just 'are'. There is only being. So to get caught up in proving higher dimensions is not necessarily important, but rather to help people come here to do what they came to do, and to love unconditionally, and to stop suffering. If we want to label something a 'higher dimension', and we find something that fits our conception of a 'higher dimension' then we can always say "ah ha! we found it, it was real!" but truly, there is no difference between dimensions, there is only distortions of the one energy. These labels help us navigate our way from this particular human perspective towards the infinite, and I think it is wise to remember this- rather than getting caught up in 'truth finding' or 'proving others wrong'. The answer lies within each one of us, and there is no reason to go searching what we could call "out there", for once we realize we are one, there is no difference between the outer/inner world distinctions we make now.
Thank you for sharing the video however, and allowing me to learn from this new perspective. Much love and light to all.
Thank you for sharing the video however, and allowing me to learn from this new perspective. Much love and light to all.