(07-16-2011, 10:48 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: Honestly,
The post of Ocean's was understood by me to be a relay of a Ra discussion about how we can't serve others well if we first don't accept ourselves. This entire understanding by me came across from the simple sentence Ocean posted.
Your post to explain more depth about the use of the word love was understood by me to be Zenmaster's desire to bring out a better understanding and use of the word 'love'. My understanding was that you chose a quote that did not present your definition of 'love' in order to articulate your desire to detail your definition.
My post was to reconcile the two of my understandings of these two posts. I don't think Ocean was misusing the word 'love'. I also don't think that your defining of the word was misplaced. I do what I do
(07-16-2011, 10:44 AM)zenmaster Wrote:Ah! You did not see Ocean using the word 'love' in 'correct' application. Likewise, in this post, I do not see your use of the word 'acceptance' in a 'correct' application.(07-16-2011, 10:36 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: "Acceptance is an ability, capacity, an integration or actualization" - This I agree.The interpretation of events comes from 'something known'. Stepping into the unknown takes acceptance. Acceptance is the ability to even have an interpretation of events or interact on some level. If we allow ourselves to learn, that requires acceptance.
Events unfold through stepping into the unknown. Then something is known, or experienced. After this, acceptance as an integration comes into play. As I see it.
It does not take acceptance to step into the unknown. It takes ignorance.
i meant that we, ourselves, are a part of the whole, so if you only love others but not you, then you are not loving the whole, and that is not STO.
(07-16-2011, 01:17 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:(07-16-2011, 01:06 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: It may not be accurate to say that "to no love yourself, is being STS" but it is accurate (in the green-ray sense of love) to say that service-to-self entities do not love themselves.
That is a very wise discernment. So if an entity does not truly love themselves- there remains potential for them to go down the STS "path". <---- I don't like that word because it implies a straight line when it actually a spiral. The lessons from the different densities all interpenetrate and dovetail into one another, circle back around, etc.
Now if an entity loved themselves, surely they would serve themselves. No?
(07-16-2011, 12:30 PM)mzearthangel35404 Wrote: You don't have to feel that way if you look at it like this: you are building your spiritual energy and body when you meditate. The energy has to be released eventually because it is the energy of love that you are radiating to others. So in truth and in fact you are serving others as well.We all need the light and the love, thanks for being service to other being. The more love love and light you spread, the more of a positive polarity you will receive.Hope this may be of some help to your question.
Thanks for offering that perspective! You can serve both the self and others simultaneously. And maybe there is some way to use that energy to depolarize certain catastrophic events, such as tornadoes.
what is to serve yourself? if an entity loves itself but also loves others, does it not serve itself by serving all, itself and others? why to love others you are supposed to not show yourself the same consideration and love? that's all i was saying.
(07-17-2011, 10:43 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: I think it's semantics. Service to self loves itself in an orange- and yellow-ray manner. This involves control and manipulation of the self; very different than green-ray love and acceptance.
The question seems to be whether orange- and yellow-ray love is really love.
of course it's love.