07-17-2011, 09:55 PM
(07-17-2011, 09:12 PM)Pickle Wrote: Ah. Yes the words "world as you know it will end" can be taken negative, where they only see "world_________will end".Exactly. Do you have any experience with magic? I have mostly knowledge to go on here. Does it make sense that the objects used in the protection ritual could attract a certain sort of _________ that wasn't actually there?
One of those things where understanding has to be built up before getting into new sources of info. Without a base of understanding it makes you create a new picture out of thin air.
All of the three Abrahamic religions posit a historical eschatology based on the return of the World Savior, or Messiah. Time is linear, and building up to some sort of grand climax characterized by the physical appearance of a being with superhuman powers, or even God himself. This idea may also have been present in Zoroastrianism, and there are some Messianic flavors of Buddhism expecting the coming of Maitreya Buddha, etc. So it is not wholly a Christian thing.
But the Hindu tradition, which predates all of these other religions, is based in a mythical eschatology, based on a cyclical view, or return of the Golden Age. The Mayans, who are notorious for introducing the 2012 "end-date", were also in this second camp. And of course the Law of One link is that quote about the earth changes, or inconveniences, persisting for about 30 of our years. Which brings us to right about now in 2011.
Interestingly, in most documentaries about 2012 that I watch, this is the very argument that the skeptics use to dismiss the whole idea. Namely, that it invokes an apocalyptic worldview. People have been proclaiming the return of Jesus for the last 2000 years, and yet he has not come.
So I can see how in the mind of somebody who is very new to the Law of One, and who is steeped in a certain line of thought with little experience outside of their religious belief system would easily project the return of Christ into the Ra communication.
Their worldview requires them to attempt to reconcile the prophecy of the return of Christ with the foretold shift from 3D to 4D in the Law of One. Since they are Christian, and Christians believe in the Return of Christ [not all Christianity actually subscribes to that belief, by the way], then this whole density shift thing must have something to do with Christ's return.
Sorry, I don't mean to pick on Christians. As I have said elsewhere, I am down with the teachings of Jesus. It is just that Roman catholicism is the only religion I have much personal experience with, as in going to mass and being taught the belief system as a young child. I didn't come across anything else until much later, incidentally right around the time I originally found the Law of One Books.