07-16-2011, 06:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2011, 09:21 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
kyachi Wrote:Hi, TN. I read that thread but didn't contribute to it just because I didn't have anything that would contribute to it except more words.
This is all extremely interesting to me, as well as personally relevant.
I just found this on a Google search for don elkins suicide:
David Wilcock Wrote:Any researcher trying to draw comparisons between my life and those of the Law of One team, be advised... I was the first person to live in Don Elkins' room after he committed suicide, nearly 20 years later. I pick up ALL the energies off of the areas I sleep in whether I want to or not. I slept on the "Ra Bed" that the original Law of One readings were done off of for the first month I was there. All the frozen suicide thoughtforms in Don's room greeted me very strongly - the second or third night I slept in there I had a terrifying dream where gov. spooks shot my head off and I was in my astral body, trying to move my arms to feel if I still had a head. I didn't even take Don's original decorations off the wall and repaint to claim the room as my own until a month into the process.
I know it might be walking the line a bit to speculate on the details of DW's life... but the information in this link is public. Is there anything you feel moved to add or share on this? (The whole post not just the clip.)
This is really strange because I am just now becoming aware of this whole "STS entity causing one to step out in front of a car" to be a huge source of angst in my own life since my introduction to the Ra Material, through David Wilcock's old Ascension2000.com site circa 1994. This has really stuck with me over the years, and has had a rather depolarizing influence. Sometimes I feel like I need to be hypervigilant, especially for loved ones who might not be paying attention to, or even acknowledge the existence of, such an influence. In many ways, I wonder if this was the original crack that opened me up to certain negative experiences later on through the years....
..and now this! Wild! I have never come across this before!
Brain Stalin Wrote:David Wilcock believes he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, but the Akashic Records tell a very different story.
We are told that Wilcock's own guides confirm his beliefs.
Why must we believe that invisible entities without physical bodies possess higher knowledge and wisdom than us?
Where is the logic or wisdom in that?
Can we admit that our egos might distort psychic information?
It is very easy to get psychic impressions and communicate with invisible entities. The error is taking anything on faith without THOROUGH investigation.
RasputinWhen we consult the Akashic Records directly without the hindrance and interference from guides, Ascended masters, angels or ETs, we see clearly that David Wilcock is actually the reincarnation of Grigori Rasputin.
:exclamation: Especially in consideration that I just previously shared that I once "fired" my spirit guides... talking about Hatonn passing off a return of the gods as ETs... warning about corrupting the channel... showing wise discernment in channeled contacts, specifically not trusting an entity simply because it doesn't have a physical body...harping on session one and when Ra was told not to elaborate on the Law of One, but instead to speak of the coming earth changes... repeated concerns about blindly trusting in the words of a spiritual guru... some "coincidence" eh?
Any truth to this next statement, according to your knowledge?
Brian Stalin Wrote:According to the fragments omitted from first four books, in the first session, Ra tried to communicate through other people, who claimed Ra was communicating through them. David Wilcock, who believes he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, is the only known purported medium claiming to have channeled Ra entities. Contrary to Rueckert, he claims he does not need to go into any trance for channelling Ra.
kyachi Wrote:Back in my college days, I often attended weekly meditation meetings at friends, Hal and Jo. Hal was the one who first introduced Don to that particular kind of channeling. They had lived in Michigan until the car company where Hal worked opened a plant in Louisville. Anyway, at about one in eight or ten of those weekly meetings Don would show up. He sometimes channeled but often just sat in (as I did).
In what part of Michigan did Hal and Jo live, if you don't mind me asking. Any other information you can offer on these two individuals, and their relationship with Don?
Quote:One week, Hal turned down the lights and we settled in to meditate and nobody gave a greeting from any entity. After long enough, Don said something like, "I don't take this very seriously, but I'm going to let it through." He then voiced an entity that called itself Lobsang Rampa. Several times, the entity said, "I assure the instrument that I really am Lobsang Rampa." The session lasted maybe five minutes, and nothing of much importance came through, near as I recall. After that, we waited for another entity, usually Hatonn in those days, and then Hal turned up the lights.
Lobsang Rampa. That name seems to be reverberating in my mind. I will have to follow that one up. Thanks for the link.
Quote:I told this story to say that Carla and Don were always aware that sometimes the sessions were not of much value. An important reason for this was simply that the source never spoke over the head of any attendee, and often we had newbies there. My friend Bill, who had a co-op job where Hal worked and learned about the meetings from him, jokingly made up this session: "Greetings my friends, in the name of the One Infinite Creator, I am Hatonn. [pause] Two...four...six...eight, you must learn to meditate. [pause] We leave you now until next time. Adonai vasu baragus."
Yeah, that is too funny! A lot of times I feel the same way about channeled material.
Quote:While Carla truly and proudly identifies herself as Christian, I always have felt that she holds great value in and respect for the Ra and Hatonn and other information. Certainly she did not filter the Ra material because she wasn't even present and only learned what came through later. She also knows that there is "Christian" and there is "Christian." She loves the gospels and the quotes from JC, but knows that all other is subject to human distortion.
Wasn't the Prayer of St. Francis recited before the Ra contact, and wasn't the Bible also always present. I would consider both of those to be a very strong Christian-biased filter for the communication to pass through.
Quote:Don had depressive disorder long before the Ra contact. Sometimes it was bad and other times it wasn't visible. He had a terrific sense of humor and usually was good company. After moving to California, I would call them up on a Saturday to chat. Usually Carla answered and we exchanged anecdotes for awhile, but sometimes Don answered. I would say my name and he usually said that Carla would be back in awhile. Then I would say okay, what's been happening with you? Half the time, he would be curt so I would thank him and end the call, and the other half he might get excited to tell about meeting with Charlie Hixson or talk about some new close encounter he investigated.
Charlie Hixson. I will track him down as well. Yes, it kind of sounds like Don may have had some sort of bipolar disorder, and the Ra contact may have added some schizophrenic features on top of it. I believe that some cases of schizophrenia are a result of what happens when revelations are made to a mind that is not sufficiently prepared. I have observed LSD to have particularly negative aftereffects in others. Perhaps it has something to to with it being lab created? Would you feel moved to share if Don had any experiences with mind-altering substances?
Quote:The last time he answered, he said Carla would be back in awhile and I asked about him. He just said Carla would be back in awhile. I asked a second time what he's been up to and he repeated that Carla would be back in awhile. He absolutely said nothing about himself, and didn't show any personality at all. I felt a strong pull of empathy but couldn't think of anything to say except "Well, okay then, good-bye Don." I still wonder if I had called during the standoff when he was the only person in the house while Carla and Jim were outside with the police trying to talk him out of doing what he did.
Yes, I can identify with that feeling. When somebody is so close to that kind of traumatic event, it is inevitable that they will come to consider if things would have happened differently, had they taken action. Or not taken action, as the case may be. For me, all I can do is remind myself that the other person has orders of magnitude more influence in their own experience [particularly the death experience] than me. That kind of helps to keep me sane, and my ego in check.
Quote:I learned about his taking his life days after it happened. My parents knew his and Carla's names and sent a clipping from the newspaper. My next communication was a letter to Carla. Her letter back was more detail of what went on that fateful day.
Would you care to share any more of those details?
Quote:So in conclusion, I dunno whether the STS entity is fully to blame. It may have caught Don when he already was in a deep dark mood. It took Carla years to recover, at least to the point she is now.![]()
Yes, it is difficult to say. Years ago I had a very close friend who was somewhat psychologically unstable similar to how you described Don. I shared the Law of One with him when I was still fresh to the material, and had not yet investigated into more of the enigmatic subtleties of Session One. I had kind of hoped it would help him find some more spiritual direction in his life, but the move seems to have backfired. I suppose I was a little overzealous in my desire to share, and somewhat entered into a guru/disciple relationship, which I now somewhat regret.
And so I am sure I passed along a lot of the confusion with respect to earth changes, 2012, the characteristics of 4D experience, and the whole bit.
Some years later, my friend succumbed to a negative contact after a prolonged binge on crystal meth. I recall that I kept hoping he would snap out of it, but the episode just persisted.
He had fabricated in his mind this whole conspiracy theory about how I was spearheading an intervention with all of our mutual friends to have him committed to a mental institution. :exclamation:
I ended up having to evict him out of my home, and calling in his family to pick him up and take him back to Michigan. Over the years, he has tracked down my various emails and phone numbers and made contact. Yet he still seems under some sort of negative influence. To the point where he doesn't seem to remember all the previous times he contacted me, and a few times he would suddenly start speaking in a demonic voice.
Once he was telling me about how he was working at McDonald's, working the frier, and how one day he hoped he could "push the button" for all 8 billion people. Gave me the heebie-jeebies!
Significant periods of time go by and I don't hear anything at all. Last I heard from him was when I added his brother as a Facebook friend and he started sending me strange emails under a pseudonym. The best I could come up with was to offer concern for his health, and told him that if he persisted in the contact, I would get in touch with his family again, and let them know what was going on.
I also sent him a copy of a very good article called Dislodging Entity Attachments and something else that I seem to not be able to remember at the moment.
At any rate, I have not since heard from him. In my heart and mind, I wonder if any true kind of reconciliation would be possible. And frankly, I am afraid that reconnecting will open me up to a negative contact again. I forgot to mention after he left my condo, I had some severe problems going on with negative energies for a while.
I know that deep down he is in pain, and that he has contemplated suicide. Only I don't know what more service I could possibly render. I seem to have made the problem much worse due to my loving folly all those years ago...